What are The Side Effects of Masturbation? 8 Tips to Stop Masturbation Forever

What are The Side Effects of Masturbation? 8 Tips to Stop Masturbation Forever
Masturbation is the touching of the genitals by oneself for orgasmic purposes. In other words, we could say masturbation means touching your genitals or private parts for sexual pleasure. Masturbation is one of the habits that are common among youths nowadays as some people brag that it is healthy for them due to the pleasure derived from it. In this article, we will discuss the effects of masturbation and how to stop it forever.
How Do People Masturbate?
Women mostly masturbate with different objects like cucumbers, candles, dildos, bananas, and with the use of their hands till they reach orgasm, while men mostly masturbate with their hands using lubricant and other lotions till, they ejaculate.
Masturbation is addictive and can cause serious health complications if abused. First, let’s take a look at the effects of masturbation.
People who engage in excessive masturbation will definitely lose interest in sex and will likely experience sexual dissatisfaction when they have a partner. Some will be like “I will stop when I get married”, but the truth is, it is not that easy to quit masturbation, and this usually results in sexual dissatisfaction among couples. Do you know why married couples still masturbate? This may be due to the sexual dissatisfaction experienced after masturbation.
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Even single guys and ladies who are in relationships still masturbate despite having sexual intercourse. You will hear them say, “I have a boyfriend but I still masturbate.” Assume you masturbate with your hands, a cucumber, a candle, or a vibrator, then how will your partner satisfy you when the need arises? Masturbation will make you lose interest in sex or make sex boring to you which will result to sexual dissatisfaction. If you don’t want to experience these effects, you should stop masturbating.
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Forget about online stories telling you that masturbation is healthy for you; it’s not. Instead, it could lead to erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is a situation whereby a man finds it difficult to achieve an erection. As you know, a man can’t have sex without an erection. When you later plan to settle down in life and make love to your partner, you will begin to notice that you hardly last a minute and maintaining an erection becomes a problem for you. You might not experience this effect at the moment, but later in the future you will begin to experience these side effects as you grow older. Masturbation may be pleasurable as you apply lubricant and rub it on your genitals for stimulation, but trust me, it kills your sexual drive, which in turns results in erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. If you really wish to enjoy your marriage in the future without having sexual issues, then it would be best for you to stop masturbating now.
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Masturbation releases a certain hormone in the brain that affects the body. This is why people who are addicted to it find it difficult to quit. You begin to notice that you really wish to stop but end up doing it over and over again. Excessive masturbation can cause a negative effect on your brain, which includes memory loss.
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Masturbation can cause depression and low self-esteem. When you can no longer last a minute in bed with your partner, this will result in low self-esteem, which can lead to depression. There are lots of men suffering from depression because they can’t perform like a man with their partner, and this may be connected to the effects of masturbation.
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Frequent engagement in masturbation can cause weakness and tiredness due to the hormones released after you reach orgasm. More so, masturbation causes distortion of the penis.
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Why Do People Masturbate?
The reasons why people masturbate vary, as there are many factors that influence it. Men who masturbate are likely to be lovers of porn or have had no partner to have sex with, so they prefer to masturbate instead, while women who masturbate do that when their partner is unavailable and other reasons best known to them. The major reason why people masturbate is to achieve sexual pleasure.
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How to Stop Masturbation Forever
I’ve met numerous people who complained about finding it difficult to stop masturbation. Well, if you are one of them and you really wish to quit masturbation, follow the tips below.
To stop masturbation, you have to prepare and be determined to quit. You will need a strong determination to overcome it. I was once an addict too, but I was able to stop it due to strong determination. So, if you are serious about quitting masturbation, you must set a determination to do so. That is, you must be ready to let masturbation be bygones and not just one day on and off.
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If you are not yet married and you masturbate, try to get a partner and discuss this issue with him/her. Some people masturbate in the absence of sex, so instead of killing yourself with masturbation, why not find a partner instead? I believe this will help you overcome it effectively.
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Masturbation is an act committed in a secret place. You should limit your time alone and hang around with your friends most of the time. Although people can still masturbate in the toilet and even in the office, if you can limit your time alone, I believe this will assist you to stop it. You do masturbate while alone, right? This is a time for you to make friends and get used to having family around you, as having them around you will prevent you from masturbating because you wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself among your family and friends.
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Pornography and masturbation are both addictive, which isn’t healthy for you. If you want to quit masturbation, then you should stop watching porn. To achieve this, you should delete all the pornographic files on your phone and computer. If possible, block all porn sites and channels on your TV and device. Masturbation originated from pornography, so block it and avoid watching any sexuality-related movies or skits that might tempt you to masturbate again.
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To fight masturbation, get yourself busy with something productive. When you feel the urge to masturbate, try other things instead. You can do some exercise such as jogging, jumping, etc. If you experience masturbation at night, you can watch movies, as this will distract you from committing the act. This may be difficult, but don’t worry, just keep trying till you fully overcome it, and this was the reason why I stated earlier that you must have a strong determination to quit.
This may sound weird, but it works. Punish yourself when you feel the urge to masturbate, you can choose to wash plates, clean the toilet, or read books. You can as well find a rubber band and use it to beat yourself, or better still, take a sleeping pill, as this may help you from committing the act again.
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There is nothing that God cannot do. If you have tried all your possible best and yet you still end up masturbating, you should seek spiritual help by talking to your pastor or Imam. I’m very sure they will be glad to help you overcome it.
You should consider visiting the hospital and talking to a therapist. They will surely help you to fight it, and you will regain your active life again. You shouldn’t feel shy about discussing this issue with your doctor or therapist.
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Is masturbation a sin?
Masturbation is neither a sin nor immoral, but religion addresses it as a sexual immorality. Well, whatever the case, maybe I believe God is a merciful God. If you think masturbation is a sin, you should ask God for forgiveness and, better still, stop it for you to live a healthy lifestyle.
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In conclusion, excessive masturbation can also cause physical problems such as irritated or broken skin, swelling of the genitals, and cramps. You should stop masturbation as soon as possible to avoid all these side effects in the future. I would recommend you try these aforementioned tips as they will help you stop masturbation. You need to understand that change doesn’t happen at night; it takes a gradual process to overcome masturbation with strong determination. Best of luck. Leave your comments in the box below.
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