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How to be a Good Friend: 22 Qualities of a Good Friend 


How to be a Good Friend: 22 Qualities of a Good Friend 

Good friends are everywhere; in fact, they are not that hard to find if you know how to recognize them. Sometimes people do not know what it takes to be a good friend or even realize when they’re in the presence of one because they keep too many friends. 

The best friend may come in different forms, like your classmates from secondary school, coursemates from higher institutions, colleagues at work, or your online friends. Below are the 22 signs of a good friend and how to be a good friend to your friends.

22 Qualities of a Good Friend: 

1. They’re An Inspiration to You.

A good friend should be someone who will be an inspiration to you. A person who you can learn from and vice versa. 

2. They Support You in Terms of Your Needs.

One of the most important qualities of a good friend is when they support you when you need them the most. A good friend will assist you financially, spiritually, and physically. Even when they don’t have, they will still try to support you. 

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3. They Check Up on You.

A good friend will check up on you and communicate with you to make sure you are fine. You know you are a good friend when you always call your friends to say hello to them. You don’t hesitate to chat them up and visit them. A good friend will make sure you don’t get bored, and when you are bored, they will offer to keep your company.

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4. No Backstabbing.

If you have never once backstabbed or badmouthed your friend behind their back, it shows you are a good friend. A good friend will always defend their friends in their presence or behind their back.

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5. They Offer Advice and Guidance for You.

Are you the kind of person who offers advice and guidance to your friends, especially when they do something wrong? This is a sign of a good friend. You should be able to correct your friends when they cross their limits. For instance, if your friend is addicted to drugs, advising them to quit and helping them overcome the challenges is one of the qualities of a good friend. 

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6. Loyalty.

Good friends will stay in your life when everyone has left. They stand beside you during your tough and good times and tell you, “We’re in this together.” Good friends will never make you feel lonely, even after disappointment and failure; they are still loyal to you.

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7. Caring.

A good friend will care for you and remind you to care for yourself. They will always tell you to take care of yourself and remind you of how amazing you are. They will encourage you to never give up on your career and life goals. Good friends will tell you to put yourself first and prioritize self-care. 

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8. Good Friends Help You Become the Best Version of Yourself.

Good friends are people who inspire you to become the best version of yourself. People who remind you to always be yourself. You learn how to be loving, caring, jovial, and self-disciplined from them. You learn a lot of things that add positive value to your life by becoming the best version of yourself. 

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9. They Comfort You When You Are Down.

Good friends will comfort you when you are emotionally exhausted. They will try their best to make you smile and be happy when you are down. They give you a shoulder to lean on. In the presence of good friends, you feel relaxed, secure, and happy. 

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10. Commitment.

Good friends will always be in your life, no matter the circumstances. You have been friends for a long time, and they’re still in your life at this moment. No amount of struggle or challenge has torn you apart. No breakups or goodbyes; just pure love and appreciation. Having a friend with these qualities is rare, and if you have a friend who is committed to the friendship, keep them and appreciate their existence in your life. 

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How to be a good friend:

11. Listen to Your Friends.

A good friend will listen to their friends when they’re talking and show empathy for their stories. Give them the chance to feel free to talk to you about anything, and show interest in their stories.

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12. Admit Your Faults and Apologize.

Being a good friend is about admitting your faults, taking responsibility, and apologizing to your friends when you are wrong. If your friends correct you about something, try to make adjustments and apologize as soon as possible. To be a good friend, you must discipline yourself to be humble and admit your mistakes. 

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13. Forgive them. 

Humans tend to make mistakes and disappoint you at any time. If your friends disappointed you and did something that really hurt you so much, try to forgive them and let go, even though this must be hard for you to do. Forgive their sins even before they ask for forgiveness from you. 

Your friends may not know what they did really offend you, so you either tell them what they did hurt you and that they must apologize to you, or you forgive them and let it go. This is to avoid any form of hatred or keeping grudges against one another.

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14. See Your Friends as Equals and Shun Pride.

Pride is the fastest way to self-destruction, and it is not easy to be a good friend if your mind is corrupted with pride. Never look down on your friends because you don’t know what tomorrow may bring. If you are very proud of yourself, you will find it difficult to apologize, and this might cause your friends to dislike you. Get rid of pride and enrich your mind with love, kindness, a caring heart, and compassion. 

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15. Help Your Friends.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Try to help your friends when they ask for your help. Even if you can’t help them at that moment, show empathy and let them know that you truly care about what they are going through. Help them or give them something that will make them happy. 

16. Don’t Betray Your Friend.

Being a good friend is about being honest and loyal to your friends. Never betray their trust or backstab them. True friends always defend their friends, even in their absence.

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17. Share Your Problems.

A problem shared is a problem solved. Make your friends feel like they can trust you with their deepest secrets. Share your problems and ask for their help.

18. Love Their Family, Friends, And Loved Ones.

Like their boyfriend or girlfriend, like their family and friends. See your friend friends as your friend, and avoid getting jealous of your friends’s achievements. 

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19. Fulfill Your Promises.

As a good friend, let your friends know your true self and what you are going through. Don’t lie to them, and whenever you make a promise, make sure you fulfill it, whether small or big. Make sure you try your best not to disappoint your friend. 

20. Keep Their Secrets.

Your friend shares their secret with you because they trusted you, so don’t disappoint them. No matter the circumstances, make sure you take care of and protect their secrets. 

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21. Learn to Accommodate Jokes.

Jokes among friends are part of the things that make friendship more fun and lively, so you should be able to tolerate jokes from your friends. For instance, if your friends call you a “big head,” just see it as a joke and laugh together instead of taking it personally. Be patient, cool, and understanding. 

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22. Respect Your Friend. 

Respect your friends’ privacy and create your own boundary. Respect your friends’ likes and dislikes and avoid doing things that irritate them. Most importantly, be careful when dealing with them about sensitive issues like family, relationships, religion or business.

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Comrade 9ja A.k.a 9jaPoly is A passionate Reporter that provides complete, accurate and compelling coverage of both anticipated and spontaneous News across all Nigerian polytechnics and universities campuses. 9jaPoly Started his career as a blogger and campus reporter in 2016.He loves to feed people with relevant Info. He is a polytechnic graduate (HND BIOCHEMISTRY). POLY TV is a relationship expert, life coach and polytechnic education consultant. Apart from blogging, He love watching movies and meeting with new people to share ideas with. Add 9jaPoly on WhatsApp +2347040957598 to enjoy more of his Updates and Articles.


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