What Does an Open Relationship Mean? The Advantages and Disadvantages

What Does an Open Relationship Mean? The Advantages and Disadvantages
An open relationship is a relationship that involves having more than one romantic partner or sexual activities outside your relationship. It’s a kind of relationship where both partners agree not to stay in a committed relationship or non-monogamous relationship. It means one partner is allowed to have a romantic or sexual activities with someone else outside the relationship, depending on the agreement between them.
In an open relationship, there is no trust or commitment as both partners are allowed to do as they wish, unlike in a healthy relationship where lovers stay committed to each other. The opposite is the case for an open relationship.
Why Do People Want an Open Relationship?
You must be wondering the reason why people opt-in for an open relationship. Even though there are many reasons for that, some of them include:
1. Sexual Issues.
The major reason why people opt-in for open relationships may be due to a lack of sex from their girlfriend or boyfriend. For instance, if the woman is a virgin and not ready to have sex at the moment, her boyfriend will seek her permission to have sexual activity with another woman outside his relationship while keeping the woman for marriage. Also, the man might allow his girlfriend to have another romantic or sexual relationship with another man, maybe for money or whatever reason.
If the man isn’t sexually active, he may allow his girlfriend to have a romantic relationship elsewhere, and vice versa.
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2. To Test For Compatibility.
People agreed to have an open relationship to test if their partner is compatible with them. They will both agree to date someone else to see if the new partner is better than their current boyfriend or girlfriend.
They both agree to an open relationship to test if their current partner is truly the best or if there is someone better out there. For example, if couples do have misunderstandings and fights in their relationship, they may resolve to practice open relationships to curtail the problem, that is, to date other men and women.
That moment you meet a girl who has a boyfriend, and she agrees to date you because she has issues with her boyfriend. If you proceed further, that’s probably because you are hopeful that she will fully become yours someday. This is an open relationship; she’s already in a relationship but still agrees to date you, and you are aware of it. She could date you to see if you are better than her boyfriend.
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3. Fear Of Breakup.
The fear of breakup is the beginning of an open relationship. If you know within yourself that you and your partner can’t get married to each other but you still can’t afford to lose them because you really love them, you could try an open relationship. You don’t want to lose your current partner, even though you know the relationship is not going to work. You will continue with the relationship while having other romantic relationships outside.
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4. Fertility Problem.
Couples who have problems with childbearing may engage in open relationships to test their fertility status. If the woman’s efforts to conceive have been futile, she may opt for an open relationship and have a romantic or sexual activity outside to checkmate the problem. Open relationships are common among lovers who are desperate to have a child, so they come up with an agreement to have an affair outside their relationship to see if it will solve their problem.
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Advantages of an Open Relationship.
1. Fun And Flexibility.
An open relationship is fun and comes with flexibility. You can have a romantic relationship with anyone you like without the fear of being caught by a boyfriend or girlfriend because they already know about your relationship status.
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2. You Can Date Whoever You Like.
In an open relationship, you can choose to date other people you like and have sexual relationships with them. There is no self-guilt or shame in that because it’s an open relationship. You both agreed on a non-monogamous date.
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3. Total Freedom.
Your boyfriend or girlfriend can’t control you or tell you how to live your life. Although they might still perform some roles in your life, they don’t have full control over what you do, and likewise, you don’t have full control over them. This is a freedom relationship; perhaps if you are the type that is not ready for a serious relationship, an open relationship gives you the freedom to live your love life to the fullest in the way that pleases you.
4. You Can Double Date.
Another benefit of an open relationship is the opportunity to have multiple partners. You can be in an open relationship and still be having sexual activities with another person. Perhaps if you are a womanizer or love to double-date, an open relationship is the perfect option for you because you have peace of mind and no fear of getting caught.
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Disadvantages of An Open Relationship.
1. Jealousy.
An open relationship creates unnecessary jealousy among lovers. Even though you both agreed to have a romantic relationship outside of your relationship, this will cause jealousy between you and your partner, as they might not tolerate seeing you with another man or woman.
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2. No Commitment.
An open relationship lacks loyalty. Any relationship that lacks commitment is not a healthy relationship. Imagine the thought that, apart from you, there is someone else banging your girlfriend. Imagine the thought of you sharing a man with many other girls out there. Will you be able to cope with this mental stress?
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3. Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Since an open relationship involves having a romantic relationship outside your union, it will attract sexually transmitted diseases and infections for the people involved. By the way, not everyone enjoys using condoms as protection, so open relationships may have contributed to the widespread of HIV/AIDS.
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4. Trust Issues.
People who have tested open relationships will have issues with trusting their partner when they finally want to settle down. This is due to the fact that they’ve slept with multiple partners in the past, which include someone’s boyfriend and girlfriend; thus, they have issues trusting anyone.
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5. Marriage Isn’t Guaranteed.
What is the purpose of a relationship without a destination? Everyone prays for their relationship to lead to marriage, but with an open relationship, that may be an impossible mission. Only a few of those who practice open relationships end up together.
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Is An Open Relationship Good Or Bad?
An open relationship is not something to be proud of. In fact, it is a waste of time because you know for sure that you may not end up together, and perhaps people who engage in open relationships do that as a result of the issues in their current relationship; thus, you can’t fix a problem by creating another problem.
An open relationship is not a healthy relationship, and whoever is into it is not ready for a serious relationship yet. An open relationship lacks trust, loyalty, and commitment which are the most important things in relationships. One day, your partner will finally leave you to marry someone else, and you might have fallen deeply in love by then, so you may be the loser in the game since both of you are not serious or loyal to each other.
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Open Relationships Vs. Polygamy
Open relationships cannot in any way be compared to polygamy. Polygamy is a type of marriage or relationship whereby a man marries more than one wife. As for open relationships, one or both partners engage in romantic or sexual activities outside their relationship, depending on their agreement. A polygamous man marries the woman he loves, while people in open relationships mostly do that for sexual purposes and not necessarily marriage. Polygamy is by far better than open relationships.
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In conclusion, an open relationship is a bad relationship. It is not a type of relationship to be proud of because one of these things (paternity fraud, STD, heartbreak, infidelity) are most likely possible. Therefore, an open relationship is a bad relationship. If you are into one, you should consider the disadvantages and make adjustments where necessary.
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