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What True Love Means in a Relationship: How to Find True Love 

What True Love Means in a Relationship: How to Find True Love 

What does true love mean? How do you find true love? How can we achieve true love? Does true love still exist? Do you want to know if you and your partner truly love each other, or do you want to know if your relationship is more of true love and want it to last? 

No one is perfect; we could fail in how we treat our partner; nevertheless, if we want to experience true love, we must make adjustments in our ways that can harm our partner and destroy the relationship. Do you truly love your partner? Find answers now: Here are perfect examples of what true love means in a relationship: 

What True Love Really Means in a Relationship:

1. True Love Stays When Everyone Leaves.

When everyone has given up on you and abandoned you, true love will stay and stand by you. If you have a partner that stays with you when family, friends, and important people in your life abandon you, this is a typical example of true love. 

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2. They Are with You in Tough Times. 

True love will never abandon you in tough times. They will be there for you and pass through the struggle with you, whether in sickness or in sound health, whether for rich or for poor, when happy and when sad. True love won’t leave you when things are getting tougher for you; rather, true love will say, “We will get through this together.” A lot of people will leave your life when life happens to you, but true love will stay. 

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3. True Love is Patience.

Waiting is a sign of true love and patience. Maybe you are not meant to be together today but meant to be in the future. If you really love that person, learn to wait. When she says, “No sex until marriage,” true love will understand her and be patient with her till she’s ready. No matter how long it takes, true love is always worth the wait. Anyone can say I love you, but not everyone can wait and prove it’s true.

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4. True Love Is Faithful and Loyal.

A relationship that is free of lies and deceit is embedded with true love. True love is honest and faithful. Your love is not a true one if you keep lots of secrets, lie too many times, and cheat on your partner. True love is always honest, loyal, and faithful. True love says things the exact way they are. If you and your partner are honest and transparent with each other—no cheating, no lies, no dark secrets—it means your relationship is true love. Keep it up.

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5. True Love Has a Lot of Forgiveness.

Can you forgive your partner if they do something that hurts you without using it against them? Can you forgive their past mistakes? Can you focus more on their strengths instead of their weaknesses? True love is not something you find; you must be ready to build one, and yes, true love has lots of forgiveness. If we can forgive our partner’s past hurts and focus on loving them, this is a typical example of what true love means in a relationship.

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6. True Love is Not Proud.

If you are looking for true love, then you must lower your pride and be submissive to your man. You must be ready to say sorry even when you are not at fault. You should be ready to forget about whether you have a college degree or not, because true love doesn’t segregate or see a degree or diploma as a condition for love. 

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7. True Love Loves You for Who You Are.

True love loves you genuinely for who you are and appreciates what you have to offer. True love is when you have no specific reasons why you love them; you just love them naturally. If you list money, beauty, fame, cuteness, big ‘yansh’, and breasts as prerequisites for accepting someone into your life, that’s conditional love, not true love.

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8. True Love Understands and Always Hopes. 

Things may not be going well in our lives presently; our relationship has its ups and downs, but true love still understands. A lot of people will say, “I love you,” but only a few will listen to you and understand your own perspectives.

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9. True Love is Not Selfish.

In a relationship, it is about “us” and not just “me,” which means you have to take your partner’s feelings into consideration and consider their feelings, especially things that may hurt them. True love cares for one another; you communicate with each other constantly without being forced, and you spend time together at your will. You give, and they give without expecting anything in return. A relationship of true love is one whereby both partners care for one another. 

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10. True Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs.

Once we have forgiven our partner, we should let bygones be bygones and avoid using their past mistakes against them. Although it may be difficult to forget, we must avoid bringing the dead out of the grave for a new fight. 

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11. True Love Does Not Envy.

If we’re dating, your achievements are my achievements, your success is my success, and your happiness becomes my priority, so there’s no need to envy our partner’s success. True love does not compete; therefore, we shouldn’t see our partners as rivals, even when they’re more successful than us. 

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12. True Love Always Trusts.

True love is when we do not care about what friends and other people say about our partner and the relationship. We assure our partner that we trust them without being judgmental. 

It means we do not stop them from seeing friends of the opposite sex or going to other places without us because we trust them with our full hearts. Although there will come a time when they will be sad and discouraged, when this happens, let them know you trust them and believe in their capabilities.

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13. True Love Does Not Segregate. 

Whether you are Christian, Muslim, or Hindu, true love does not care whether you are Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, American, or French. Once we tell you, “I love you,” it means we love your religion, your culture, your tribe, your family, and where you come from. We love everything about you. True love will never leave you because of your religion and tribal differences. True love simply means loving you more than the differences between us. 

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How to Find True Love? 

1. Love Yourself First.

Self-love is the most important thing in life. You can’t understand how to love someone else properly if you don’t learn to love yourself first. Perhaps you deserve the true love that you give to others. Take good care of yourself, be happy on your own, eat good foods, take care of your mental health and overall well-being, and true love will find you someday.

2. Love God. 

If you are looking for true love, you should put God first in your life, because God himself is love. Tell him your wishes, and hope he grants your requests. 

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3. Be Yourself.

The key to finding true love is to be yourself. You don’t have to lie, pretend, or deceive anyone for them to love you. True love is always honest. You want them to love you truly, right? Then be yourself. Don’t fake it. 

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4. Focus More on Husband/Wife Qualities than Physical Appearance.

True love is everywhere, just that people don’t recognize it. If we want true love in a relationship, we need to focus on genuine qualities and the qualities of husband-and-wife material over physical appearance. True love is when you love without any conditions attached (tall, short, beautiful, cute, rich, etc.). 

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In conclusion, if we want to achieve true love, we must love our partner unconditionally and with honesty and sincerity. True love is not proud, has lots of forgiveness, and also comes with full acceptance. True love will stay in your life, for better or for worse. Instead of looking for true love, why not build one? True love is not created by magic, but instead, it creates magic when we give our best to achieve it. 

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Comrade 9ja A.k.a 9jaPoly is A passionate Reporter that provides complete, accurate and compelling coverage of both anticipated and spontaneous News across all Nigerian polytechnics and universities campuses. 9jaPoly Started his career as a blogger and campus reporter in 2016.He loves to feed people with relevant Info. He is a polytechnic graduate (HND BIOCHEMISTRY). POLY TV is a relationship expert, life coach and polytechnic education consultant. Apart from blogging, He love watching movies and meeting with new people to share ideas with. Add 9jaPoly on WhatsApp +2347040957598 to enjoy more of his Updates and Articles.


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