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The Importance of Loyalty in Relationship and How to Build Loyalty in a Relationship

The Importance of Loyalty in Relationship and How to Build Loyalty in a Relationship

The Importance of Loyalty in Relationship and How to Build Loyalty in a Relationship

Loyalty in a relationship means building trust, respect, and support to protect each other’s interests, which includes practicing forgiveness, effective communication, being respectful, and never taking your partner’s trust for granted.

Most times, when a relationship is mentioned to the audience, what you may likely hear them say in return is “money.” “I want to have enough money before dabbling in a relationship.” While money is essential for relationship growth, it is also necessary for you to know that it can never buy loyalty. 

“Love” is a strong affection towards someone, while “loyalty” is the state of being loyal and faithful to someone. It is possible to fall in love with someone and never be loyal to them. You wonder why people who are rich still cheat on each other. You wonder why your partner still cheats on you despite claiming to love you. That happens because loyalty is lost in the relationship. 

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In a situation where you use money to woo a lady, there is a possibility that she might love you for the money and not be loyal to you. It becomes necessary for you to build loyalty in your relationship. You can be in love with me and still cheat on me; in fact, you can be in love with me and still hurt me, but when someone is faithful to you, no amount of temptation can break you apart.

If you don’t build loyalty at the beginning of the relationship, trust me, even with strong feelings, the relationship might still crash. Why do celebrities have the worst relationships and failed marriages? Because they loved each other but found it hard to stay loyal to one another.

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How important is Loyalty in a Relationship? 

Loyalty helps to stay true to oneself and the relationship as it comes with commitment, contentment, honesty, and faithfulness. Your relationship will be used as an example by others. When a couple stays loyal to one another, they become a great example to other couples who cheat on each other. Loyalty brings peace of mind, as you won’t worry if your boyfriend or girlfriend is cheating on you or starts investigating their whereabouts. Loyalty is very important in a relationship, as there will be no room for hatred and life struggles will become easier.

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How Do You Build Loyalty in a Relationship? 


You have to build trust right from the early stages of the relationship, because trust goes hand in hand with loyalty. Once you trust your partner, the feeling will reciprocate and become mutual. Like I said earlier, money can buy love, but it can never buy loyalty, so if you want to build loyalty in your relationship, you must be ready to trust each other. How? There’s no need for you to pay someone to spy on your partner. You don’t have to hack their Facebook account and start invading their privacy. Trust them and you will get the same in return.


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Honesty and loyalty in relationships go together. Be a doer of your words and be transparent with your partner. For example, you hung out with your friends last night, and your partner called to ask where you were. Instead of saying the truth, you lied and said you were in a meeting. What if they later find out the truth about where you went? They might find it difficult to trust you again and stay loyal to you, even if the love is strong. Be transparent with your partner; let them know that you have nothing to hide from them. This is an effective way to build loyalty and reinforce the relationship.

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You cannot build loyalty in a relationship without commitment. Having regular dates, the ability to talk about each other’s day-to-day activities and flaws and showing appreciation to each other are good ways to reinforce your relationship. For instance, you will always come across people who are richer, more beautiful, and more handsome than your partner, but there is a reason why you love and chose your partner. Always remind yourself of this reason regularly, as this will help you stay loyal to your partner. Commitment is the panacea to overcome any temptation that may come your way. Once you are committed to the relationship, even if the richest man or woman in the world asks you out on a date, you will reject them.

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Treating each other as one is an effective way to build loyalty in a relationship. Treat your partner as you wish to be treated. For example, you don’t want your partner to cheat on you, right? You should show your partner as well that you can never cheat on them. If you want to be able to rely on your partner’s trust and support, you should show your partner that you trust and support them physically, emotionally, financially, and in other aspects.

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You see, in this life, nobody is perfect, as we all have our own flaws, and no matter how selective you are when choosing a life partner, you will always see weaknesses. Your partner has their own weaknesses and admirable strengths, just as you do. Accept your partner for who they are and love them for what they have become. Showing that you love your partner unconditionally is a great way to strengthen mutual feelings of loyalty in the relationship. 

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Everyone makes mistakes, including you, so practicing forgiveness after you or your partner makes mistakes is essential for peace of mind and the well-being of the relationship. Perhaps love means caring for one another and forgiving one another, so you should be able to forgive and forget every little mistake.

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Everyone wants an ambitious partner—a man or woman who has a future. Set goals for yourself and work toward achieving them. This will strengthen the mutual feelings of loyalty in the relationship, as this will show your partner that you have a brighter future with someone they can trust. 

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One of the crucial aspects of loyalty in a relationship is having open communication about your feelings. You should not pretend that everything is fine when it’s obvious it isn’t. Talking to your significant other about your feelings, emotions, desires, and what you are going through in your life goes a long way toward nurturing loyalty, which will make the relationship work.

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By constantly showing appreciation to your significant other and reminding them of how you are fortunate to have them in your life, you can avoid disloyalty in your relationship.

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One of the best ways to build loyalty is by providing adequate support for your partner’s needs. Knowing how and when to provide support will make them more secure, and the relationship will be stronger. For example, if you called your partner to ask about his or her welfare and they told you that they were broke, you could provide financial assistance for them. Also, it is very important for you to know when to ask your significant other for help and when to rely on outsiders for assistance.



One thing about life is that you cannot give what you don’t have. Once you understand what loyalty means, you will learn to be loyal to yourself—that is, being loyal to your words, actions, morals, and responsibilities.

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In conclusion, most relationships failed as a result of disloyalty. Money can buy love, but it can’t buy loyalty, so it is important for you to build loyalty, as that is the best way your relationship can make headway. Apart from relationships, we must build loyalty in other aspects of our lives: business, family, and friends. Show your customers and clients that they can rely on you; this is the only way your business can grow. Build loyalty with your family and friends.

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Comrade 9ja A.k.a 9jaPoly is A passionate Reporter that provides complete, accurate and compelling coverage of both anticipated and spontaneous News across all Nigerian polytechnics and universities campuses. 9jaPoly Started his career as a blogger and campus reporter in 2016.He loves to feed people with relevant Info. He is a polytechnic graduate (HND BIOCHEMISTRY). POLY TV is a relationship expert, life coach and polytechnic education consultant. Apart from blogging, He love watching movies and meeting with new people to share ideas with. Add 9jaPoly on WhatsApp +2347040957598 to enjoy more of his Updates and Articles.


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