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10 TIPS FOR A SHY GUY: How to Toast a Girl and Win Her Heart

10 TIPS FOR A SHY GUY: How to Toast a Girl and Win Her Heart



If you have been looking for some tips to toast a girl and win her heart, especially as a shy guy, then you are on the right page. Women are wonderful creatures created by God. They have a soft and caring heart, and once they love, they love with all their heart and stay committed to you.


A life without women is incomplete because women are a source of inspiration to men, and they also serve as supporters for men. There are some instances whereby you fall in love and seriously crush on your female friend, coworker, course-mate, or a lady in your street, but you just don’t know how to toast her to express your feelings for her or you are a shy guy, and you don’t know what things to say to make her believe that you truly love her. Well, if you are in this situation, try these tips below:



Toasting a lady is a means of expressing your feelings for her; how you can’t just stop thinking about her thoughts in your head. To prove this to her, you need to believe in yourself and have confidence in yourself. This is the first thing to do and the best way to face your fear, especially if you are a shy guy. Women love men who have confidence in themselves. So if you have been crushing on any lady, it’s time for you to summon courage and express your feelings and prove to her that you love her.

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The way you dress is the way you will be addressed, and the same goes with women. Try as much as you can to always look good if you are both living in the same environment. It doesn’t have to be the latest designer in town. Just try to always look good and dress neatly. So, when she’s passing along the street, make sure you make eye contact with her by looking into her face and greeting her well. By doing this, you are creating an impression that will get you noticed by her. Do this for a few weeks and then proceed with the next action, which is the approach method.


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To toast a girl, you have to approach her first, and this depends on where she lives. If she’s living on the same street or school as you, that will be very easy for you to do. Although some guy’s toast ladies the very day they meet, which results in rejection at some point, for you as a shy guy, don’t just rush to approach her and start confessing your love for her. She won’t take you seriously. Instead, try to steal her attention. When she’s passing through the street or on the school campus, pretend to mistakenly match her legs and apologize. “Oh, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to match you, please pardon my manners.”



After that Introduce yourself: “I’m 9ja.” Sorry, may I know your name if you don’t mind? I’m certain she would tell you her name because you are no longer a stranger to her. That is, if you have tried the 2nd tip above. Remember, you are no longer a stranger to her because she has been seeing you often recently. If by chance she told you her name, then summon courage and request her phone number. If she asks for what? Tell her you only want to be friends and that you’d love to get to know her better. To make this work, you have to be bold, summon courage, and believe in yourself, as I stated earlier. So afterward, she might have given you, her number. Proceed with communication.

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At this stage, you are gradually getting closer. Call the number she gave you in the evening, so you won’t have to disturb her schedule. Call her the next day and tell her you’re just checking in on her. Introduce yourself again and tell her that you would like to know about her. You can gist about your education, career, and lifestyle from there and proceed to chat with her online. Don’t rush to confess your feelings yet; instead keep the communication going by texting her in the morning and at night for a week.


If you want to win her heart, then make sure you don’t tell any lies. You have to be real. Ask about her night, if she says, “Yes, fine, how about you?” continue with “My night was kind-of somehow” so she asks you why or what happened. From there, you will be like, “Because I saw you in my dream chasing me in the street.” Put a “lol” emoji there. I guess that will put a brief smile on her face. By doing this, you are sending some signals to her that you love her, which by now she is already sensing your motives.

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Women love men who compliment their beauty because it boosts their self-esteem and also means that you love and appreciate the way she looks. So how do you compliment her as a shy guy? Follow her Facebook page and WhatsApp status and comment on her posts. If she posts a picture comment like “I must confess, your beauty is second to none.” “My crush, you are so beautiful.” “I love you.” Say something good and keep it flowing.

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Now it’s time for you to confess your feelings to her. This is the crucial aspect, so you have to summon courage and boldness to do this. There are three ways to toast her; either online, on the phone, or offline. I recommend you try the online method as a shy guy. So, after your normal conversation, steal her attention by telling her that you have an important thing to discuss with her. If she asks what it’s about, tell her to notify you when she’s less busy, so when she’s free and online, it’s time for you to confess your feelings. Express how you have been crushing on her for a long time and how much you love her. Tell her that you haven’t known how to express this to her all along and can’t hold it any longer. Assure her that she will never regret allowing you into her life.

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You can as well try this same method on the phone, that is, through a call, express how you feel for her and be positive about her response. If she said “no,” don’t be sad. It is normal for a lady to reject you, but you have to prove to her that you are serious about it by trying again through continued text and chats. Don’t stop what you have been doing before you express your feelings to her. So, keep on trying. By doing this, she might have a second thought about whether you are serious about your feelings.

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If you know a few of her friends, then it’s best you make friends with them as they can be helpful in winning her heart for you. Perhaps if you are a shy guy, her friends can convince her otherwise that you are a good man. I’ve witnessed many situations where friends assist guys to win their girlfriend’s heart. This method works, but you still need the boldness to walk to her yourself. I was once a shy guy too. In fact, I didn’t even know how to approach a lady, so when I found the woman I love, I approached her friends, who made the process easier for me, and it worked. So if you want to toast a girl, make friends with her friends, as this will speed up the process of expressing your feelings and getting a positive response.

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Another way to toast a girl is to ask her for a date. If she agrees to go on a date with you, fine. So, on the date, talk about education, career, and lifestyle, and after that, confess your feelings to her. Tell her you have been waiting patiently for this day to come to express your feelings for her. You have to look into her eyes and say these words, as that is the best way to prove that you are indeed a man.

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Don’t try to be desperate to win her at all costs. Some guys like the bait method, so they buy and send different gifts; some send recharge cards, data, and even go to the lengths of sending money to the lady’s account just to win her heart. This method will make the lady see you as a desperate man, and she might say ‘yes’ to you for your money and not because of love, so it is healthy for you to build love naturally and not in desperate ways. Also, don’t be too quick to tell her you love her on the first day you meet her. That is a big turn off for women.

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The joy of every man is to get a positive response after toasting a girl they love, but getting a positive result also depends on whether the lady is single or in a complicated relationship, and one of the ways to find out is through the “hungry man” method. For this method to work, you guys must have been communicating frequently and getting to know each other gradually, so during your conversation, jokingly say, “Hunger is about to kill me here.”


If she asks why, then tell her that you are a bad cook and have nobody to help you out. From there, she would ask you about your girlfriend, and at that junction, she gets to know that you are single. You can then ask her to help you cook, even if it’s just once. If she agrees, that means you are one step ahead in winning her heart. After she might have helped you cook, appreciate her by telling her that her food is delicious, and you would like to taste more. From there you can express your feelings for her and your desire to have her as your woman. Trust me, this method works very well, but you must be brave. Personally, as a shy guy, I’ve used these tips and they worked, especially for shy guys.

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In addition, toasting a girl is one of the easiest things to do as long as you have a little change with you. Yes, you need money. Love is sweet, but money makes it sweeter. This doesn’t mean that you should engage in fraud or live a fake life just to impress a woman, no! Just be real and watch her fall for you deeply.

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What should I do if she rejects me?

Well, sometimes ladies reject men for some reason best known to them. So if she rejects you, it doesn’t mean anything. You can try your luck over and over again. She might like you and just pretend to play “hard to get”, so you have to keep trying if you truly love her. It took some men a year to win their women’s hearts.


Seriousness is the most important thing. If you do not love her, please don’t bother teasing her, so you won’t cause her emotional trauma, and if you do, don’t give up on her till you win her heart. However, if you have tried all these tips and yet she rejected you, you have to summon courage and move on by looking for another woman who loves you for who you are and what you have become. Yes, there is always a woman for every man, and just because the woman you love rejected you doesn’t mean you are not a better person. You just have to look for another woman and try these tips again.

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In conclusion, a lot of guys find it difficult to approach a girl. If you are among the shy guys who are always afraid to confess their love because they don’t know “how to,” I would recommend you try the aforementioned 1-10 tips and summon courage and boldness to express your feelings for her, as these are the best ways to win a woman’s heart as a shy guy. Women love men who are bold and confident, and if eventually she says yes to your proposal, make sure you treat her well and respect her. So go and try your luck. Best of luck. Do you find this article inspiring? Kindly share and leave your comments in the box below. Thanks


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Comrade 9ja A.k.a 9jaPoly is A passionate Reporter that provides complete, accurate and compelling coverage of both anticipated and spontaneous News across all Nigerian polytechnics and universities campuses. 9jaPoly Started his career as a blogger and campus reporter in 2016.He loves to feed people with relevant Info. He is a polytechnic graduate (HND BIOCHEMISTRY). POLY TV is a relationship expert, life coach and polytechnic education consultant. Apart from blogging, He love watching movies and meeting with new people to share ideas with. Add 9jaPoly on WhatsApp +2347040957598 to enjoy more of his Updates and Articles.

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    What a nice article,… I must confess that With all this write-up that the girl fall in love with the guy…

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