How to Last Longer in Bed:15 Tips to Boost Your Performance

How to Last Longer in Bed:15 Tips to Boost Your Performance
A lot of men are suffering from premature ej@cul@tion or erectile dysfunction, which most times results in issues in relationships and sometimes heartbreak. This writer noticed that many men are unable to maintain stimulation with their partner for long. Well, if you are suffering from premature ej@cul@tion, or you don’t always last longer in bed then this article is for you, as I will highlight ways through which you can boost your s$xu@l performance. I am not a doctor or pharmacist, but I’m going to share with you some tips that will make you last longer in bed. They are as listed below.
Have you noticed that you come on early during s€xual intercourse with your partner? Well, if you are suffering from premature ej@culation or erectile dysfunction, the first thing you should do is discuss it with your partner. Ask her if she was satisfied with your performance or if there were areas where you needed to improve. You should not be shy about asking her for help if you truly need it, because women are afraid to tell their partners how weak they are in bed because they don’t want to be seen as cheap or naughty.
A good s$x is not about how many rounds you can last but rather how pleasurable and quality it is. So sit her down and talk about the s$xuality of the relationship. You might think she is enjoying the s$x, but in reality, it might not be so. I think you should both discuss your s$xual performance, as this will help you know where to improve. A s$x can be just five minutes long and be good, a s$x can last for 30 minutes and still be boring. Discuss this with your partner and both of you should come up with a plan to solve it.
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Exercising daily will help you gain stamina, which will boost your $xual performance, especially kegel exercises. Have you been unable to satisfy your wife in bed? It’s time for you to hit the gym. Yes, you need stamina to last longer in bed. Anytime I have a match to play, I always make sure I do some exercise a few days before the match—it really helps sometimes.
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This method works like magic, and I have seen many men testify to it. When making love to your partner, as soon as you make your way in, take your mind off of s€x and start thinking of something else. This will help you delay ej@culation because your brain is currently not on s$x but rather something else. You can try to think about anything just to create distraction on your brain and brain while you continue to kanck, trust me, she will beg you to stop. This method works like magic, but as you know, the body varies. However, to make it work perfectly, ensure you don’t kiss her, hug her, or sleep on her, as doing these might send a signal to your brain that you are having s$x and thus make you cum early.
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Every man on earth always experiences a natural erection in the morning, that is, between 4 a.m. and 7 a.m. So if you really want to last longer in bed, make use of your natural erection for the match. It’s very easy for married men, and if you are not married yet, well, you can convince your partner to sleep over while you exercise patience until the following morning, when you will start to dig the hole. For this method to work, make sure you drink a lot of water the previous night and do not urinate until after the s&x. The water will help make your bladder full; that is, you will feel the urge to urinate, but be calm and wait until your natural erection comes. When you notice that you have gained an erection naturally, romance your babe and turn her on. So when she’s in the mood, insert your “Gbola” and continue to hammer it gently.
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The advantage of the urine here is that when it is time for you to ej@culate, it will be very difficult because two things are involved: sp€rm and urine. The sp€rm and urine will begin to fight. Unfortunately, urine can never win the war; sperm would win, but the advantage is that it will help you delay the ejaculation.
What if your partner can’t wait for a natural erection? Well, you can drink a lot of water during the day at least 4 hours before the match, and once your bladder is full and you feel the urge to urinate, you can now start digging. This method works but it doesn’t work as much as expected, like a natural erection.
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There is no need to waste much of your money on buying herbs or medications that might cause you side effects in future; instead, eat fruits and vegetables that will boost your s€xual drive. fruits like watermelon, groundnuts, and vegetables. Make sure you add eggs and fish to your diet. The egg and fish boost your sp€rm count and also your sexual performance. Kindly note that this method takes time, but it does work perfectly. Instead of buying #700 worth of herbs, use the money to eat a balanced diet, including fruits and vegetables.
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Like I said earlier, a good s€x is when you and your partner are both satisfied s€xually, and to make her as satisfied as you, make sure you are hitting the G-SPOT. The G-Spot is located at the center of the kpekus. To make this easy for you to locate, try doqqy style. Especially if your manhood is small, switch to doggy style. You will feel a different sensation when you hit the G-spot, and she will moan differently. Hitting the GSPOT with a Doqqy style would help you delay ej@cul@tion.
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One of the best ways to last longer in bed and satisfy your woman is to practice Oral S€x by giving her a head. You can as well tell your woman to give you a B-JOB in return as doing this delays ej@culation. Every woman loves a man that can give her a head but would pretend they don’t. I’ve spoken with my friends who are female and even married women, and I realized that women crave it but only a few men can do this. If you can give her a head, trust me, she will respect you and would not want to lose you. If you want to make your woman reach orgasm, then you must be ready to give her a head. Why? Because it takes a long time for a woman to reach orgasm, unlike men, who may ej@culate within five minutes. Orgasm is the process by which you make your woman reach climax, similar to ej@culation. The reason why you should give her a head is that it makes her kpekus wet, which will grant easy passage for your “gbola” and make the s€x more fun. Oral X Means “suck me I suck you”
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Depending on the type of delay condom you use, condoms can help you last longer during s€x by dulling the sensation through their thicker sheath or numbing the tip of your p€n!s with the help of a built-in numbing agent.
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There are some positions that help to delay ej@culation and make you last longer in bed with your partner. This includes doqgy style, touch your toe, the 6 and 9 position etc. This method works like magic because I have experienced it myself. So don’t just sleep on her and dig. Instead, change positions, ask her to come on top, and tell her to ride you. Use other methods, like sitting on a chair and letting her sit on the throne. What is a throne? Gbola is a throne on which every woman must sit. So if your woman has not sat on it yet, it’s time for you to change positions, as this will make you experience more pleasurable s€x and, at the same time, make you last longer.
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Make sure you have for€play for at least 15 minutes before you enter the kpekus. This will ignite your s€xual drive and boost your performance. A case study of When you start a car in the morning, you will have to warm it first before you hit the road; the same thing is applicable to humans before you penetrate. Try as much as possible to practice foreplay. Foreplay means kissing her passionately, kissing her neck and stomach, caressing her laps, and sucqkuing her two oranges, especially the cap of the oranges. Research shows that playing for€plays helps to last longer in bed. If you have not been doing this then you are missing a lot. Don’t just rush to knack, try foreplay too.
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Sugar is the enemy of men. Generally, excessive sugar is bad for the body, and it took me years to realize this. If you really want to last longer in bed and enjoy more rounds with your partner, then reduce your sugar intake. Sugar is found in carbonated drinks such as coke, fenta, sugar for drinking garri, juice, biscuits, etc. Instead, replace sugar with pure honey or reduce your sugar intake. If you take sugary drinks and foods daily, then you are not ready to last longer in bed. You can buy “Jedi herbs” to flush out the excess sugar in your body. If you want to dig the hole well, then stay away from sugar. Sugar is your enemy, not your friend.
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Do you know that multiple partners have a negative effect on your s€xual drive? Yes, it does. Imagine having three girlfriends. It will be difficult for you to satisfy them all, and the issue here is that different women result in different experiences; that is, girlfriend A might love to give you doqee style, while girlfriend B might dislike the style, so when you try to apply the experience of girlfriend A to girlfriend B, it won’t work and can result in boring s€x and quick ej@culation. Multiple partners will affect your s€xual performance. It’s just like a generator supplying light to six houses; you should know that such a generator will develop faults and malfunction. So if you want to achieve quality s€x and last longer in bed, stop sleeping around; that is childish. Instead, find a woman and concentrate on how you can make your s€xual life more fun and active.
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If you want to last longer in bed, you can try to be celibate for some months. This means taking a break from s€xual intercours€ for a period of 3–6 months to gain more energy and strength. Men who engage in s€xual int€rcourse more often tend to be weak in bed. I suggest you take a break for a while and resume a few months later. This method works very well, but it also depends on the body.
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You see this life, “nah jeje and gently” not by rushing and the same thing applicable when kancking. If you rush you will come early so knack gently. Just go in and out gently, continue to do that. By doing this, you are delaying ej@cul@tion which will make you last longer in bed. Not only will you last but also enjoy. The faster you hit the kpekus, the sooner you “cume”
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If you have tried all the methods listed above and there has been no improvement in your s€xual performance, then you need to see a doctor or pharmacist to have a drug prescribed for you. Don’t just use any drug or herb because they all have side effects. Viagra can help you gain a strong erection and make you last longer in bed, but it is just a temporary solution that comes along with other health complications.
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If you check the side effects of the drug, it is clearly written “color blindness,” just like when you know that smokers are liable to die young but still keep on smoking. Most of these Viagras come with serious health complications, and herbs are not as reliable as they should be and might cause harm to your kidneys if abused. If you are suffering from premature ej@culation, that is, you ej@culate so quickly all the time, don’t be shy about talking to a doctor or pharmacist; they will prescribe you a drug that will treat it. Please don’t self-medicate.
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Is it good to Take S€xu@l Enhancements?
It depends, if your doctor or physician recommended it for you then it’s okay but if you are taking any S€xu@l enhancement pills, drugs and Diek enlargement oils and creams just because you saw the advert online or your friend recommended it for you, you might be doing yourself more harm than good because it may put your health at risk. Instead, eat healthy foods, consume fruits and engage yourself in regular exercise which will boost your performance in bed.
In conclusion, these aforementioned 1-14 tips are natural ways to last longer in bed and boost your s€xu@l confidence with your partner. I’ve personally applied these tips and they worked, and few people have testified to it also. However, if you must apply the 14 tips above, that is, Viagra, herbs or any other s€xu@l enhancement please see your doctor first for the right medication.
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