9 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend on You: Read this Before You Complain About him not Giving you Money
Financial obligations have been a major concern for many ladies, as they do feel unloved, irritated, and unwanted if a man fails to spend on them, not minding whether the relationship is still new or old.
However, before you complain that your boyfriend does not give you money, please try to understand these reasons.
1. A relationship is not a financial institution.
Every woman needs to understand that relationships are built on love, not money. You should not be in a relationship if you expect a man to spend all his life savings on you. As a woman, you should have your own source of income that fetches you money, so that when your boyfriend gives you money, it will be a bonus for you. Before you complain that he doesn’t spend on you, remember that a relationship is not a money bank to get funds for survival.
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2. What does he do for a living?
Before you complain about him not spending on you, the question is: what does he do for a living, and how much do you think he earns? For example, if your boyfriend is a student who depends fully on his parents for money, how do you expect such a man to spend heavily on you?
He does not have the capacity to get expensive gifts and surprise packages for you, and that doesn’t mean his love for you is fake. Sometimes, men love to spend heavily on their women but can’t because of their income. His salary could be poor, and the business that you see as rich might not make the huge profits of your imagination.
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3. Are you comparing him?
Every man is unique on his own, and you can’t expect all of them to be equal. Your friend’s boyfriend can buy her a car, an iPhone, and other flashy gifts. Still, that doesn’t mean your boyfriend is stingy or irresponsible; besides, you don’t know the type of Job they’re doing to be able to afford that kind of spending. Comparing your boyfriend to other men who spend heavily on their women will kill the vibe in your relationship because all fingers are not equal.
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4. He has his own life and responsibilities.
Women should also be aware that men have other responsibilities apart from the relationship. Yes, a man is the head and the provider; taking care of you and showing you love requires him to spend on you. But If your boyfriend suddenly stops spending on you or hasn’t been spending on you as expected, it could be that his expenses are greater than his income.
Men are also going through a lot but won’t voice it out to you. You may think he doesn’t care, but he does. Remember, he also has his own bills to pay: food, transportation, accommodation, water and electricity bills, and family affairs. These things can hinder him from spending on you.
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5. How old is the relationship?
A 3-9 month relationship is too early to predict that your boyfriend doesn’t love you because he hasn’t been spending on you. If the relationship is still fresh or early, I think it would be better if you could exercise patience and give him time. So before you complain that he doesn’t love you, focus on other parts of the relationship: love, understanding, respect, communication, trust, commitment, and honesty.
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6. Do you spend on him also?
Your boyfriend might enjoy not spending on you because you are not investing in the relationship either. If you want a man to spend on you, you should try to spend on him too. Some ladies think it is the duty of the man to always spend on them, which I think doesn’t work that way for everyone.
For example, since you have been dating him, you have never bought any gifts for him, and you are expecting him to paint the sky red for you. Before you complain that he doesn’t spend on you, you should spend on him too. The relationship formula is 1+1, not 1+0.
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7. It’s his money.
Expecting a man to spend heavily on you because you saw his credit alert or perceive him to be rich is wrong, and that’s entitlement. Although your boyfriend too has some faults for not sharing the money with you, access to a boyfriend’s money is not your right. It is his choice and he can spend his money however he wants.
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8. You didn’t ask for it.
Not every man knows how to give voluntarily without asking for it. Some of them want you to ask before giving. Before you complain about him not giving to you at all, try to demand it first. For instance, if you want to do your hair, you could ask him to send you money to do it.
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9. He is stingy and doesn’t care about you.
I’ll be honest with you. Men spend money on women they truly love and like. I’ve been in quite a few of these relationships, and I can assure you that when a man likes you a lot and values you, he becomes generous. I knew a man who said he doesn’t spend on women, yet behind his girlfriend’s back, he was spending money on another girl whom he valued a lot more and was planning to get with. If he claims to love you but can’t afford to spend a dime on you, he is either stingy or doesn’t love you as claimed.
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What if My boyfriend doesn’t spend on me at all?
If a man loves you genuinely, he will try his best in every little way to make you happy by investing in the relationship, but if he doesn’t make any attempt to spend a dime on you at all, this might be connected to any of the reasons stated above. Nevertheless, If your boyfriend is living large, has a stable life, and still hasn’t spent a dime on you, and you know he has the money, You can talk to him about the need to give you out of the money you claim he has, or you could just give him occasionally from the little you have.
That would speak a lot louder; he’ll get motivated and begin to do as you want. That way, everyone wins. Dumping him because he doesn’t invest his money on you is not a wise idea, especially if you are guilty of not giving him too. Before you jump to the conclusion that your boyfriend doesn’t enjoy spending on you, talk to him first and hear him out.
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In conclusion, understanding is crucial for every relationship. Before you complain that your boyfriend doesn’t enjoy spending money on you, you need to consider the nature of his job, his average income, and how old the relationship is. Perhaps men also have a lot of responsibilities that may limit or affect their spending on you. So try to be an understanding partner. However, if he has the money and is living large yet still can’t afford to spend a dime on you, it could be that your boyfriend doesn’t really love you as claimed or he’s just stingy. Men are generous to someone they love.
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