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10 Reasons Why You Should Never Date a Broke Woman

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Date a Broke Woman

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Date a Broke Woman

Broke girls are women who are financially weak and lazy. They have no work that brings them money, as they mostly rely on parents and men to survive. Broke girls have no job, and sometimes they justify their brokenness by being students or blame the economy and government for their empty pockets. As inevitable as falling in love is, you may end up falling in love with a broke woman, and you may try to sustain the relationship. But before you decide to take the risk of dating a broke woman, below are the 10 reasons why you should never date a broke woman.


Broke girls are not different from parasites because they feed on you and gain every goodie from you but have nothing positive to contribute to your life other than to cause you harm. They eat your money and flee when things become bad.

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If you really want to go far in life as a man, you shouldn’t consider dating a broke woman because she will bring all her burdens on you, which in turn becomes a heavy responsibility for you to bear. You will pay for her data, pay for her hair, pay for transport, and refill her gas when it runs out, among other bills. Building a relationship with a broke girl is like 1 + 0 = 1, while it is supposed to be 1 + 1 = 2. This math already proves that dating a broke woman equals a stagnant life, as it will be difficult for you to move forward. While you are thinking about how to move your life to the next level, you will also be thinking about hers, which will slow you down along your journey in life.

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Relationships with broke girls don’t last because they fall easily for money and are not genuinely in love. They have no job, so they fully depend on men and relationships for their livelihood. She might even call her toasters “Maga” in your presence to make you feel in charge, but the truth is, you should prepare for breakfast if you must date any broke woman because you could be served this at any time. You think she would say “no” to every toaster, especially the rich ones? I doubt that. Broke girls can date three men at once because A will pay for house rent while B will service her gen.

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Broke girls will always feel entitled to your money, especially when she knows you are a hardworking man who has little change at hand. She would expect you to surprise her on her birthday and still surprise her again on your own birthday. Broke girls always feel that it is your responsibility and duty to take care of them and lift them out of poverty. They had expected you to take them out for a date and always be the one to pay the bills. They are quick to label you “stingy man” if you fail to give them money, and that’s why they are always after gee-whiz boys, who in turn use their destiny to cash out.

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There is nothing you can do to satisfy a broke woman. She will always complain because she’s not working. Even if you buy her the latest gadget, she will hardly value it. They are the type of woman who says, “How much is #2,000?” because she never worked for it and doesn’t know the value of money. You sent her 500 cards, and she didn’t even say “thank you,” only for you to call back to confirm if she had seen the card. How will she value it when she doesn’t work for it? If you are a hardworking man, you should date a hardworking woman who understands the value of money.


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There are some women who are chronically broke, and apart from the fact they serve as parasites in your life, you will also get pressure from her family and friends, who may likely bill you too. So when you visit your broke girlfriend, her friends, who are broke too, will expect you to buy them gifts and food and also give them money. Her family will be expecting you to lift them from poverty. If you invite her for dinner, she will come along with her hungry friends. You should run away from broke girls because the pressure from her family and friends alone will choke you.

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Broke girls have nothing upstairs that will bring food to the table. All they know is how to buy polos and wear expensive makeup. They never for once think about how to liberate themselves from poverty. They could buy #50,000 worth of clothes and $20,000 worth of human hair, which you will be the one to fund, so they could post to their WhatsApp status and on social media to attract more benefit boys who will fund their account in exchange for their bodies. Imagine dating a woman who knows nothing about turning #1,000 into #2,000! Women are supposed to be a support in your life, not a burden.

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The major thing broke women offer in relationships is their bodies. They are good in bed and could give monkey style, but I want you to understand that there is much more to a relationship than just sex; after all, you both enjoyed it. And you will still be the one to pay for abortion if it happens. As much as it is your responsibility to take care of your woman, if all you get in return is sex and nothing productive, that means you are in a “situational relationship” and not a relationship. What if you get married—is it sex that will support you when you are weak financially? Stay away from a broke woman.

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Most of the young guys who engage in fraud, rituals, and other illegal business do so mostly due to pressure from their broke girlfriends, who expect iPhones as birthday gifts. Dating a broke woman will compel you to give up on yourself by comparing you to your friends, whose sources of wealth you don’t even know, and this alone can cause you depression or make you do things you promised never to do. The earlier you realize that broke girls are not healthy for relationship the better for you.

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Broke girls are not supportive in relationship, imagine taking her out for shopping and your card fails I’m sure you wouldn’t want to experience that because it is embarrassing. You can’t even call her for assistance in case of emergency. Relationship is meant to help each other not drain one another.

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What should I do if I’m already dating a broken woman?

There is a difference between being broke and being lazy. If your woman is hardworking and trying her best but it seems her best is not enough, you can assist her financially if you have the ability to do so. Besides, relationships are about helping each other become better person. So you can enroll her in a skill that you know will fetch her money and make her self-reliant. However, if she’s a lazy woman who possesses all these 1–9 aforementioned characteristics, then you should run for your life because a broke woman can just as well make you a broke man.

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Any advice for broke women?

If you are a broke woman, you should not depend on a man to survive because they will later use that against you if anything happens in the future, and the heartbreaking part is that he might collect all the things he bought and has done for you for a single mistake you made. Get a job and empower yourself with multiple skills. When you have your own money, relationships will be a bonus to you.

In conclusion, dating a broke woman is like putting yourself in hell; you may never recover until you get out of the relationship. Besides, a relationship is not a business center where you date for the purpose of making money. If you are broke, you should get a job and not a relationship; you need to build your life first before building a relationship because, at the end, you may lose the relationship due to a lack of productivity. Best of luck.

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Comrade 9ja A.k.a 9jaPoly is A passionate Reporter that provides complete, accurate and compelling coverage of both anticipated and spontaneous News across all Nigerian polytechnics and universities campuses. 9jaPoly Started his career as a blogger and campus reporter in 2016.He loves to feed people with relevant Info. He is a polytechnic graduate (HND BIOCHEMISTRY). POLY TV is a relationship expert, life coach and polytechnic education consultant. Apart from blogging, He love watching movies and meeting with new people to share ideas with. Add 9jaPoly on WhatsApp +2347040957598 to enjoy more of his Updates and Articles.


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