My girlfriend or boyfriend forgot my birthday: What to do when you forgets your partner’s birthday
Birthdays are one of the most important and inevitable aspects of our lives because they only come once a year, and each year is marked in a unique way.
On our birthdays, one of the things we expect are well wishes from our family, friends, and, most importantly, our significant other. However, it can come as a disappointment when your partner forgets your birthday or when you forget your partner’s birthday. If you are in a situation whereby you forgot your boyfriend or girlfriend’s birthday, these are what to do:
1. Sincere Apologies.
No excuse is enough to justify your actions but try to explain to your partner why their special day skipped your mind. Don’t lie; just tell them the truth. Maybe you were busy or going through some challenges. Let your apologies be sincere and remorseful.
“Hi babe, I’m so sorry; I forgot your birthday. I know that no amount of explanation will justify me forgetting your special day. But I’m deeply sorry for forgetting your birthday. Sweetheart, you are important to me, and you are one of the most important people in my life. I’m so sorry; please forgive me. I was so occupied at work that it slipped my mind. I understand my actions must have hurt you. I’m deeply sorry, sweetheart. I have taken note of your birthday date in my calendar to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”
Compose a sincere apology message for him or her, explaining your reasons for not being able to wish them. Tell them the truth; maybe you forgot because you were not online at that time.
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2. Wish Them a Happy Belated Birthday.
Even though the day has passed already; you should prove to your significant other that they’re important to you. Send them a happy belated birthday. For example,
“Sorry, this is coming late; how can I forget the love of my life? Happy belated birthday honey. May God bless your new age. As you clock a new age on(date), I pray the almighty God grants you all your heart desires.”
Compose a belated happy birthday message and send it to their inbox. Also, post it on your social media and wish them a happy belated birthday. Let them know in the caption that you apologize for wishing them late. Your significant other seeing your wishes online and birthday texts can be a relief for them, and they may decide to forgive you and let it go.
3. Buy Them Gifts.
Make sure you get a nice gift for them, no matter how little it is. This is to prove to them that they’re important to you. Buy a gift and drop a love letter with the gift, apologizing to them for forgetting their birthday.
Understand that birthdays are special; some people may choose to break up with you if you forget their special moments. However, buying a gift for them can convince them otherwise that you truly care about their birthday.
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4. Send Someone to Talk to Them.
If you forgot your partner’s birthday, they may be angry and not interested in talking to you. They might have stopped taking your calls and replying to your texts. In this case, send someone to talk to your partner on your behalf to apologize to them. You may tell the person to deliver the birthday gift on your behalf.
The person can be your friend, your partner’s friend, or family members. And if your parents and significant other are close, you can approach them to talk to your partner on your behalf. Fortunately, your significant other may forgive you and let it go if you handle this approach wisely.
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5. Keep begging.
Their birthday is an important date, and your wishes are one of the most important to your partner. So if you couldn’t text them or call them to wish them well on their birthday, do not stop begging for forgiveness until you are sure they’ve forgiven you and let it go.
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6. Take Note of Important Dates.
If you are the type of person who forgets things easily, you should write down the important dates in your relationship, such as birthdays, relationship anniversary, and special moments, and keep them where you can easily get reminded. You may keep the dates in your calendar, diary, or phone note pad so you won’t forget them again next time.
If your partner forgets your birthday, that doesn’t mean they don’t love you; it could be that they were busy, or they are the kind of person who forgets things so fast. Also, when your partner forgets to wish you a happy birthday, it might be a sign that you are no longer a priority to them or because of a misunderstanding between you two.
If your boyfriend or girlfriend forgets to wish you a happy birthday, here are what to do:
1. Call Their Attention to It.
Instead of giving them strange attitudes and ignoring their calls and messages, confront them and ask them why they forgot your birthday. Their response will give you insight on whether your partner intentionally ignores you or truly forgets your birthday for genuine reasons.
Do not hold grudges against them; just pour out your mind. Let your significant other know how their disregard for your feelings hurts you, especially on your special day. A responsible man or woman will admit his or her faults and apologize to you.
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2. Listen to their Excuses and Forgive Them.
Do not judge them if you haven’t listened to them. Your partner might forget your birthday if you do not remind them often. Understand that they also have some things going in their head that make them forget your special moments. So give them the chance to talk and listen to their excuses.
3. Express Your Feelings About their Disregard for Your Birthday.
Express how disappointed you feel not to receive a wish from them. Even though the birthday has come and gone, expressing your feelings and pouring out your mind will be helpful in sorting out the issues. It’s better to express how you feel than to keep it to yourself and use it to punish your partner.
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4. Give Them Another Chance to Right Their Wrongs.
Nobody is perfect. Whatever the reasons why your boyfriend or girlfriend forgets your birthday, try to forgive them and give them another chance to right their wrongs because nobody is perfect. Your partner is a human, and they may forget things, perhaps if you do not remind them regularly. This time, tell them not to repeat such mistakes again.
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5. Always Remind Them of Your Special Dates.
Always keep them updated about your special moments and anniversary dates. You should understand that your partner also has other things that matter to them or some things they might be going through that can make them forget your birthday. When it’s a week or a few days before your birthday, remind them. Even on your birthday, try to remind them. Some people forget things so fast, and by doing this, your partner won’t forget your special moments again.
When I celebrated my birthday, my girlfriend forgot to text me, call me, or even drop me a wish. I asked her why, and she apologized and told me it was because of her exams that she forgot due to school stress. I believe her reasons because I didn’t remind her of my birthday either. So, I can’t blame her totally for forgetting my birthday. You don’t just expect people to cram your birthday offhand; you should try to remind them so they won’t forget.
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Should I break up with my boyfriend or girlfriend because they forgot my birthday?
Breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend because they forgot your birthday isn’t a wise decision, perhaps if they admit their faults and apologize to you. You should give them another chance to prove themselves to you again. You may discontinue the relationship if your partner no longer cares about you or acts like “nobody cares” when you confront them for forgetting your birthday.
Nevertheless, it’s not a wise decision to break up with someone because they forgot your birthday. It’s best if you have an open and honest conversation with your partner and sort it out amicably. By the way, you still have many more years to celebrate together.
You can’t afford to lose a beautiful relationship because they forgot your birthday. I understand how important your birthday is to you and how hurtful it is for your love to forget your special day, but ending the relationship isn’t the solution. Give them the chance to make it up to you again. Perhaps if this is their first time, please forgive them and continue with the relationship.
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In conclusion, if someone forgot your birthday, talk to them about their disregard for your feelings and forgive them. Understand that they may be going through some challenges that are hidden to you, which may be the reason why they forgot your birthday. If you forgot your partner’s birthday, the best way to make it up to them is to apologize, buy gifts, and take note of the important dates in your relationship so that mistakes like this won’t repeat itself again in the future.
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