The major motivation to establish Skyline University Nigeria (SUN) is to achieve the same mark of academic and all-round excellence which has been achieved by SUC...
Spiritan University Nneochi (SUN) was approved and licensed on December 6, 2017 by the Federal Executive Council (Government) of Nigeria on the recommendation of the National...
The vision of the university is to be a world-class institution for the medical and other health professions in terms of learning, research, character building and...
Atiba University was established in December 2017 as both a repository creator and a disseminator of knowledge in a world where resources of knowledge will increasingly...
PAMO University of Medical Sciences (PUMS) relies on the ethos of utilization of evidence-based scientific knowledge to generate critical questions and form the basis of quality...
Precious Cornerstone University is devoted to developing skilled and ethical scholars, professionals and leaders through the provision of excellent education in a conducive environment. Our faculty...
Admiralty University of Nigeria was established as a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) through the joint efforts of Nigerian Navy Holdings (a subsidiary organization of the Nigerian Navy) and...
The vision and Mission of Clifford University is to be a leading Institution driving the frontiers of knowledge anchored on the values of excellence, service and...
Coal City University (CCU) in Enugu State of Nigeria is a not-for-profit private university established in 2016. The University is a globally focused and fast-rising university...
Crown-Hill University (CHU) was licensed 22nd November, 2016 as the number Sixty-Six (66) private University “upon fulfilment of all requirements laid down in Education Act (National...