How to Handle a Girlfriend who has a lot of Male Friends: 10 Ways
Dating a woman who has a lot of male friends can be a frustrating experience for any man. If you have a girlfriend who keeps tons of male friends in her cycle, this post is for you. Continue reading, as I’m going to share with you 9 tips to handle these types of ladies.
First and foremost, it is important to note that keeping too many male friends as a woman can hurt your relationship. Your partner will get insecure, and this can lead to trust issues in the relationship.
What should I do if my girlfriend has many male friends? How do I deal with a girlfriend who has a lot of male friends? Below are 9 tips to try:
1. Communicate Openly about Your Concerns.
Like I always say, communication is a vital key in any relationship. If you observe that your girlfriend is keeping many friends or flirting with her male friends, communicate with her. Tell her you feel disrespected by her behavior, and you would appreciate it if she could stop making friends with the opposite sex. Talk to her in a polite manner and see if she will change.
Meanwhile, show her that you are serious about it by reminding her of your dislike for this misbehavior. One of the best ways to change someone you love is to communicate with them about your likes and dislikes.
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2. Let the Change Begin with You.
If you don’t want your girlfriend to keep many friends, whether male or female, you must do the same too. You shouldn’t keep any female friends; perhaps you have to lead by example for her to see your seriousness. If your girlfriend sees that you do not keep any male friends, that may force her to adjust to your expectations.
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3. Listen to Her.
After communicating with your girlfriend, listen to her and give her a chance to talk. It might not actually be what you think. Your girlfriend having male friends doesn’t mean she will fling her pants for them all. Ask her why she keeps a lot of male friends and remind her about your displeasure with it. Her response will be useful in knowing what to do next.
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4. Trust Her.
Have you caught her cheating on you before? If not, trust her. Trust is very important in a relationship. Either you trust your girlfriend or you don’t. If you don’t trust her, then you shouldn’t be dating her at all, because trust is the foundation that relationships are built upon.
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I understand you are being insecure, maybe due to your past experiences or stories you do read online; nonetheless, trusting your partner is another way of dealing with a girlfriend keeping male friends, perhaps if she is open and transparent with you. Use I statement, like:
“I trust you and I believe you, but I don’t like to see you keeping many friends. I’m not against you having a friend but keeping too many friends is a no for me.”
If your girlfriend values the relationship, she will listen to you and make amends because she wouldn’t like to do anything that will make you distrust her.
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5. Set Boundaries.
Discuss and establish boundaries that both of you are comfortable with. Have a face-to-face discussion about the type of boundaries you want.
For example, when I noticed my girlfriend was giving her number to random guys and keeping male friends, I told her to stop giving her contacts out. I made it clear that whatever friendships she wants to have with men shouldn’t go beyond online.
Besides, I do not keep female friends and my female friends don’t go beyond online either. I set a clear boundary that she’s not allowed to visit a guy friend without my consent, and we both agreed on those terms.
Every relationship has rules; if your girlfriend can’t abide by your rules, let her go. So, to handle a woman like this, discuss and establish boundaries that both of you are comfortable with.
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6. Spend Quality Time Together.
Spending time together will strengthen the bond between you and your significant other. Engage in activities that you both enjoy and nurture together, and take advantage of that to express your displeasure. The more time you spend together, the fewer arguments and misunderstandings. Invest in spending quality time with your girlfriend. This will let you know whether she truly deserves you.
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7. Give her Time to Make Adjustments.
Your girlfriend probably wasn’t used to keeping space with the opposite sex in the past. Now that you make her aware that you are not comfortable with her keeping too many friends, give her some time to reflect on your suggestions and make adjustments. Remember, change doesn’t happen overnight; it is a gradual process. Keep talking to her and see if she will change.
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8. Tell her to Choose Between You and her Male Friends.
By now, you must have tried the 1–7 tips above and given her the needed time to change. However, if your girlfriend is showing some signs that she’s not going to change anytime soon, then you should tell her directly to choose between her male friends and you. If she insists on getting close contact with her male friends, then let her be. Leave her alone; she should marry her friends.
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9. Throw her Away.
A woman in a serious relationship who has a lots of male friends is a red flag. No man should take this type of woman serious. If you have tried all you can, but she’s still bent on keeping her male friends, please let her go. Do not invest in a woman who isn’t submissive to you, no matter the amount of love.
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My girlfriend has a lot of guys as best friends. Can I trust her?
You will see all the simps all over the world and feminists telling you to trust her, saying that if you don’t trust her, you are being insecure and weak. Only simps would trust a woman who keeps a lot of guys as best friends.
I don’t care what internet women will tell you either. As a man, there’s literally no incentive to be “friends” with a woman. Besides the difference in body parts, men and women don’t usually share the same interests and have completely different lifestyles, and usually, if men and women are friends, there’s always a sexual attraction from one side, usually the man’s side, and rarely the woman’s side.
The only way I would consider women being friends with men as normal is if these friendships were obtained from childhood or if the friendship doesn’t go beyond social media.
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In almost all cases, men and women can’t be friends, and at some point, there’s a line that’s crossed. Put a woman and a man who are friends in a room with alcohol and see how long they remain “friends.” Now, put a girl and her male best friend in a room alone with each other after a fight with you and some alcohol, and I guarantee you that friendship won’t stop them from having sex.
This isn’t about trust; it’s about loyalty, trust, respect, and value. If a woman values you and is loyal to you, she wouldn’t keep lots of guys as best friends. Whenever you meet a woman who is into a lot of guys, avoid getting involved with her or even bother trying to get to know her better.
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In summary, to handle a girlfriend who has a lot of male friends, communicate with her, listen to her, give her time to change, set boundaries, and ask her to choose either you or her male friends. If she is not ready to cooperate with you and your rules, throw her away and let her go. Perhaps you deserve someone better, don’t you?
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