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9 Types of Invigilators You will Meet in the Exam Hall

9 Types of Invigilators You will Meet in the Exam Hall

Examinations in Nigerian universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education are always strict and difficult, and only the smartest students who work hard make it out of these institutions.

As soon as the school management releases the examination timetable, the preparations for exams will commence, and if you’ve begun your exam preparations, here are the nine(9) types of invigilators you will meet in the exam hall.

1. The Sleepers.

These types of supervisors always favor the students because they appear lazy. After sharing the question paper, he will doze off. Most students always pray to have this type of invigilator because it gives them the opportunity to cheat.

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2. The storyteller.

This one will be there, telling you stories about his life and how he prepared well for examinations during his undergraduate days in school. They will be like, “During my exams, I always read day and night, and I scored nothing less than B.” They talk like efikos and brag as if they have never cheated before.

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3. Mr. No Mercy.

This type of invigilator doesn’t accept an apology at all; if you make a single mistake, they will ask you to submit. You will hear them say, “I will fill form for you.” Just compose yourself, because they mean what they say.


4. THE FBI’s

These ones are so sensitive, and you will keep wondering how they caught you. If you try to whisper to your coursemate, they will know and may change your seat. They’re always looking for scapegoats, and you can’t carry an expo successfully where these invigilators are.

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5. The praisers

These are the invigilators who praise the first student to submit their answer booklet. They don’t even want to know whether what the student wrote down is rubbish, making other students look like they know nothing. They will face other students and say, “See, your mate just finished, and you are still here over an hour.”

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6. The friendly invigilator.

They are very gentle and friendly to the students. They may even tell you to teach each other and cooperate. Most times, they don’t walk around; they only stay in one position, and when the students make noise, they get mad at them.

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7. The ones that force you to submit.

These ones don’t follow the schedule at all. Even if you have an hour left to finish your exam, they will force you to submit, asking you what you were writing when all your mates have submitted.

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8. The one who laughs at students.

These ones will just be roaming up and down, checking students’ question papers and booklets to see what they’ve written. They laugh at students and might shake their heads when they check your scripts, making you feel as if what you wrote was jargon.

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9. Time watchers.

These invigilators are very conscious of time immediately after you enter the exam hall. You will hear them say, “30 minutes more, 20 minutes more, and 1 minute more”. The funniest part here is that they don’t give students extra time to finish their work. Once your time is up, they collect your booklets. Feel free to add yours to the list in the comment box below.

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Comrade 9ja A.k.a 9jaPoly is A passionate Reporter that provides complete, accurate and compelling coverage of both anticipated and spontaneous News across all Nigerian polytechnics and universities campuses. 9jaPoly Started his career as a blogger and campus reporter in 2016.He loves to feed people with relevant Info. He is a polytechnic graduate (HND BIOCHEMISTRY). POLY TV is a relationship expert, life coach and polytechnic education consultant. Apart from blogging, He love watching movies and meeting with new people to share ideas with. Add 9jaPoly on WhatsApp +2347040957598 to enjoy more of his Updates and Articles.


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