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Everything You Need to Know About Federal Polytechnic Nekede (FEDPONEK)

Everything You Need to Know About Federal Polytechnic Nekede (FEDPONEK)

The Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, is a federal government-owned higher education institution located in Nekede, Owerri West local government area, Imo State, south-eastern Nigeria. It was established on a temporary site at the premise of Government Technical College by the Imo State government in 1978 as the College of Technology, Owerri, before it was moved to its present location in Nekede. On April 7, 1993, the polytechnic was changed to a federal government institution and was renamed “The Federal Polytechnic, Nekede”.

The polytechnic was ranked the best polytechnic in Nigeria by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE).


The community hosting the polytechnic is mostly dominated by Igbos, Yoruba, Hausas, and other ethnic groups. The common businesses in the polytechnic community are: cyber cafes, pos, eateries, grocery stores, boutiques, cyclists, and fast-food outlets among others. As of the time this article was published, both the polytechnic and the polytechnic community are peaceful, and academic and non-academic activities are going on peacefully without disruption.

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Federal Polytechnic Nekede runs three (3) programs: full-time, evening, and weekend.

1. Full-time morning (regular) program

Regular also known as full-time (morning), is a 2-year program available for both ND and HND. Lectures start at 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday for full-time morning students. Full-time students are mostly students admitted directly by Jamb, that is, students that participated in the school POST-UTME and met the necessary cut-off marks.

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2. Evening programme

The evening program is more or less like the morning (full-time) program. Lectures start at 2 p.m. in the afternoon and end at 6 p.m. in the evening for the evening students. This program is two(2) years for both ND and HND. HND evening students will be mobilized for NYSC after their program.

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3. Part-time and weekend programs

This program is specifically for working-class students, as lectures are held on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. On Friday, the students start lectures by 2 p.m., while on Saturday, they start lectures from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. on Sundays. The weekend program is also for two(2) years. Will I be mobilized for service after my HND part-time program? Yes, you will be mobilized for NYSC after your two-year program.


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The major differences between the full-time, evening, and part-time programs

  • School fee differences: full-time morning students pay below #65,000 per session, while evening and part-time students pay above #65,000 per session.
  • Full-time students receive lectures in the morning, evening students receive lectures in the evening, and part-time students receive lectures during the weekends.
  • Both full-time, evening, and weekend programs have a duration of 2 years each. The same lecturers teach the students.
  • The SUG is for the full-time students while the Evening  Program Students Association (EPSA) is for the evening students and Weekend Program Students Association (WEPSA) for weekend/Part-time students.
  • Some courses are only available for full-time while few courses can be studied as part-time or evening.


Federal Polytechnic Nekede is still one of the most affordable school fees in Nigeria, as full-time students pay between #65,000 and #50,000 for the first year and #45,000 for the second year. School fees vary from faculty to faculty. Below is the school fee schedule for Nekede Polytechnic:

  • NDI Morning – #62,000
  • NDII Morning.- #38,000
  • HNDI Morning – #60,000
  • HNDII Morning – #42,000
  • NDI Evening – #70,000
  • NDII Evening – #67,000
  • HNDI Evening – #45,000
  • HNDII Evening – #48,000
  • NDI Part-time – #75,000
  • NDII Part-Time: #54,000
  • HNDI part-time – #75,000
  • HNDII – part-time – #54,000

Acceptance fees were #45,000 as of the last academic session. other fees that students pay for are TEDC, SUG due for full-time students and EPSA due for evening students and WEPSA due for weekend students, faculty and departmental dues among others.

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There are two types of accommodation in the polytechnic system: off-campus accommodation and the school hostel.

1. The school hostel

This is for students who want to stay in the school hostel. The cost of bed space per session is #15,000, excluding other registration charges. The school hostel is conducive. we advise you to budget #20,000 if you want to stay in the school hostel.

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2. Off-campus accommodation

This type of accommodation is for students who want to stay alone and don’t want to share bed space with other students. There are different lodges for students in the polytechnic community, depending on what you want. Some lodges in Nekede range from 70k to 80k and above, while there are single rooms of 50k—60k to 65k, all depending on your taste. Self-contained apartments range from 140k and above.

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Nekede Polytechnic has a fast calendar, and they don’t delay academic activities. Only Access Bank is the commercial bank that is operating inside the school, while there is another microfinance bank and a UBA ATM stand inside the school. 

There are 3 student body in FPNO: an SUG for full-time students, EPSA for evening students and WEPSA for weekend and part-time students. The cost of textbooks in Nekede polytechnic ranges from #2,000 and above, and most of the lecturers have made their books compulsory for students, so if you are coming for your studies here, make sure you are loaded with cash. The SUG executives, led by its capacity president, are trying their best, and we give them kudos for that.

Students are not permitted to dress however they like. Dresses like crazy jeans, tattoos, tinted hair, and crop tops are prohibited in the polytechnic. Also, students are not allowed to bring their vehicles to campus, so if you have a car as a student, you would have to park it outside the school campuses.



Admission to Federal Polytechnic Nekede is very strict, but if you meet the admission requirements, that will speed up the process.

Higher National Diploma (HND): 2 Years Entry Requirements:

1. Candidates must hold the minimum entry requirements for ND Programme..

2. They must possess the National Diploma of the Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri or the equivalent from recognized institutions in the appropriate discipline with minimum of lower credit pass (CGPA 2.50).

3. For candidates with pass level and CGPA not below 2.00 points, a minimum of two years post ND cognate working experience is required. (Applicable to Federal Polytechnic Nekede (ND) Graduates ONLY). Candidates from other Institutions WITH PASS LEVEL WILL NOT BE ADMITTED.

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1. Candidates must score a minimum of 140 in JAMB.

2. Candidates awaiting O’level results are not qualified to apply.

3. They must have at least five (5) O’level Credits in relevant subjects which must not be obtained in not more than two sittings. Please note that English Language and Mathematics are compulsory in all courses.


Can I gain admission to Nekede Polytechnic without Jamb?

Yes, you can gain admission to the Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, without Jamb through the evening and weekend programs. Part-time and evening programs do not require Jamb, but you still need to do Jamb regularization before you can apply for admission to the evening and weekend programs.



Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, has 8 schools (faculties) of study and over 30 departments: School of Engineering Technology (SET), School of Industrial and Applied Science (SIAS), School of Business Management Technology (SBMT), School of General Studies (SGS), School of Environmental Design and Technology (SEDT), School of Information and Communications Technology (SICT), School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT), and School of Health and Related Technology (SHRT). Click here for the full lists of the Courses offered at the Federal Polytechnic Nekede.

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In conclusion, Federal Polytechnic Nekede is one of the best polytechnics in Nigeria with a peaceful environment. With 140 in UTME, you can gain admission to the institution. School fees are below #65,000 per session, and hostels are available to accommodate students. However, the polytechnic doesn’t accept CGPAs below 2.50 from other schools for HND.

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Comrade 9ja A.k.a 9jaPoly is A passionate Reporter that provides complete, accurate and compelling coverage of both anticipated and spontaneous News across all Nigerian polytechnics and universities campuses. 9jaPoly Started his career as a blogger and campus reporter in 2016.He loves to feed people with relevant Info. He is a polytechnic graduate (HND BIOCHEMISTRY). POLY TV is a relationship expert, life coach and polytechnic education consultant. Apart from blogging, He love watching movies and meeting with new people to share ideas with. Add 9jaPoly on WhatsApp +2347040957598 to enjoy more of his Updates and Articles.


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