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Is it Advisable to be a Full-time Housewife? The Advantages and Disadvantages You Need to Know

Is it Advisable to be a Full-time Housewife? The Advantages and Disadvantages You Need to Know

Who is a full-time housewife?

A full-time housewife is a woman who chooses her main occupation as taking care of the family, managing household affairs, and doing other housework while her husband goes out to work.

There are some men who prefer their wives to be full-time housewives while they provide for and cater to the family. Although being a housewife is a job on its own, in this article, we shall discuss the advantages and challenges associated with being a full-time housewife.

The Advantages of being a full-time housewife


One of the important roles of being a wife is to take care of your own family, and this is the advantage of being a full-time housewife, as you have enough time to look after your kids, do housework, and manage other family affairs. You will also have the opportunity to give your husband your full attention. Cooking, washing dishes, cleaning homes, and others will become easier to manage since you will be home 24/7. A working-class woman might not be able to perform all these roles as a housewife.

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Being a full-time housewife gives you the opportunity to build a cordial relationship with your children and nurture them in the right way. You can help them with their assignments and pay attention to their needs, and they will be your best friend. Your kids can speak out to you freely if anyone tries to molest them in school or by your neighbors.

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It is complicated for a woman working 8–12 hours daily to manage her home and find new skills to improve existing ones. But not to you as a housewife; you have unlimited time to pursue your dreams and hobbies and work part-time or directly from home. Gone are those days when you had to step out of your house to fetch your daily bread, but now you can earn directly from home and set up a mini office in your house. You also have extra time to learn new skills to sustain yourself financially.

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Being a full-time housewife gives you the freedom of flexibility because you are your own boss, and you can do the chores and dishes whenever you want. You can wake up anytime you like; there is no pressure or stress from a boss, and this alone brings you peace of mind.


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Being a full-time housewife can help you achieve a happy marriage, as you have control over your family routines. Which of these do you think has a stable life: the one who eats every meal outside and can talk to anyone because he can’t find his wife sitting beside him, or the one who always finds his wife beside him, who would run all the routines, laundry, food, care, and attention? I believe you already know the answer.

When you choose to be a full-time housewife, you will notice how your husband will be fully dependent on you, as his day will always be incomplete without you: those early morning sex and kisses before going to work; welcoming him with a hug while returning from his office; placing his best food before him; chatting with you before going to sleep. In short, he will be happier in the marriage, just as you are.

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Your role as a wife is to support your husband and the family, but this can be challenging if you are a full-time housewife. You may not be able to support him financially, which means you will always depend on him for money since you don’t have the opportunity to work. School fees, gas, house rent, food, car maintenance, etc. Two people’s income is now reduced to one person’s paycheck.

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Choosing to be a full-time housewife will make you lose career opportunities. Perhaps most of the jobs available in Nigeria and other African countries are full-time. For example, you will not be able to apply for teaching, banking, or company jobs since your main job is to manage housework at home.

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Your husband might disrespect you whenever there are financial challenges, unlike working-class women who earn respect through their contribution to the marriage because she pays the bills too.

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As a full-time housewife, you will be at home 24/7 taking care of the kids and others, and there are chances that only you will be at home after your husband has left for work and your children are off to school. Your social circle will shrink, and you will also notice a drop in social activities that you used to take part in while you were working. This alone can cause boredom, which isn’t healthy for your mental health.

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A full-time housewife will get stranded, and she can’t do anything without her husband’s consent. She will not be able to buy whatever she desires until her husband returns home. She will depend fully on her husband, and when the husband loses his job, paying bills becomes difficult. This is one of the reasons why most widows find it difficult to survive after their husbands die: they depended fully on him. This is one of the disadvantages of being a full-time housewife: you will not be able to get your needs met until your husband arrives.

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Despite the vital role they play in maintaining households and supporting family members, full-time housewives often face societal undervaluation and lack of recognition. This can lead to a diminished sense of self-worth and a feeling that their contributions are not appreciated. This perception can negatively impact their overall well-being and can be demotivating over time.

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Is it advisable to be a full-time housewife?

It depends on what you want, but considering the advantages and disadvantages above, it is not advisable for any woman to be a full-time housewife because your husband might disrespect you at some point if his business is not moving or if he loses his job. You might not be able to support your husband financially or contribute to paying the bills, and this can be frustrating when your kids say, Mummy, I’m hungry,” and you reply, “Wait for Daddy to come.” Besides, being a working-class Wife doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to take care of your family well or give them your undivided attention.

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What if my husband wants me to be a full-time housewife?

If it is your husband’s decision to be his full-time housewife, then certain factors must be put in place to keep the family happy, and these include:


For you to accept being a full-time housewife, your husband should be earning a decent income that is capable of paying all the bills. Remember, you will no longer be working, so this factor must be put in place. Make sure you discuss this with your husband and reach an agreement to avoid any frustration in the future.

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Even if it is your husband’s decision to be a full-time housewife, you still need to get a part-time job for yourself to pay off some personal bills. You can learn a new skill in addition to the existing ones. Or sign up for online jobs that allow you to work from home and make money. So you won’t depend fully on your husband.

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In conclusion, there is nothing wrong with being a full-time housewife, provided all the necessary factors are put in place as explained in this article. It is important to understand that the disadvantages of being a full-time housewife are greater than the advantages. If you want to be respected as a housewife and be able to support your family, make sure you don’t fully depend on your husband. However, whether you are a full-time housewife or a working-class woman, your decision remains paramount.

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Comrade 9ja A.k.a 9jaPoly is A passionate Reporter that provides complete, accurate and compelling coverage of both anticipated and spontaneous News across all Nigerian polytechnics and universities campuses. 9jaPoly Started his career as a blogger and campus reporter in 2016.He loves to feed people with relevant Info. He is a polytechnic graduate (HND BIOCHEMISTRY). POLY TV is a relationship expert, life coach and polytechnic education consultant. Apart from blogging, He love watching movies and meeting with new people to share ideas with. Add 9jaPoly on WhatsApp +2347040957598 to enjoy more of his Updates and Articles.


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