Are You a Slave to Sex? Signs You Lack Sexual Discipline
Are You a Slave to Sex? Signs You Lack Sexual Discipline
Sexual slavery is common in many relationships and lifestyles today. Many people are unknowingly slaves to sex, while others worship sex out of love. This article will discuss what it means to be a slave to sex and the signs of a lack of sexual discipline.
What Sexual Slavery Means
In this context, sexual slavery refers to a situation in which someone is obsessed with sexual activity or lacks the ability to control their emotions during tempting situations.
Signs You Lack Sexual Discipline
1. A Man Who Would Do Anything for Sex.
A sign that you might be a slave to sex is if you would do anything to get it. This may include going to extremes to impress women just to sleep with them. If you recognize this behavior in your lifestyle, it may suggest that you worship sexual activity.
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2. Rape.
Sex is an activity that requires consent from both partners. If you are the type of person who forces someone to engage in sexual activity, this is a sign that you lack sexual discipline and are a slave to sex.
No man should rape or force a woman to sleep with him under any pretense. The moment you begin threatening a woman to sleep with you—whether by suggesting she will fail her exams, lose her job, or miss out on an opportunity—are clear signs that you are a slave to sex. People who worship sex lack empathy for others’ feelings; they are mostly concerned with their own gratification. Until you address this issue in your life, you might be in bondage to sexual slavery without realizing it.
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3. You Engage in Sexual Activity with Any Man You Are Attracted To.
It is normal for individuals to have feelings for others, especially someone they have a crush on. However, if you engage in sexual activity with your crush, close friend, or someone you like while in a committed relationship, this suggests a lack of sexual discipline. This behavior indicates that you may be a slave to sex, as you struggle to control your emotions and may indiscriminately engage in sexual relations.
It is not just “fun”; it is sexual slavery. If you find yourself sleeping with your best friend, male friends, lecturers, boss, or even your neighbor, it may be the right time to seek help because you might be under sexual slavery.
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4. You Look Where Your Erection Follows.
Sex can be enjoyable and has health benefits for couples. However, for men who always act according to where their sexual urges lead, it could be a sign of a lack of sexual discipline. For example, dating underage girls, engaging in sexual activity with your students as a teacher, or sleeping with relatives or stepparents. A teacher sleeping with students he is supposed to mentor is an abuse of trust and shows a lack of control. While you may have the freedom to act as you wish, it is important to discipline yourself and create respect for yourself.
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5. Sexual Addiction.
Sex addiction is one of the most destructive addictions and can make you do things you may regret later in life. It is a strong indication of a lack of sexual discipline. If you find that you cannot go without sex in your relationship or cannot control yourself without engaging in sexual activity, you may be a slave to sex. Overcoming this challenge is the key to gaining your freedom.
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Sexual discipline is for your own good. Imagine if your partner traveled or changed environments—they could trust your loyalty and faithfulness because they know you are not a slave to sex. It is not the same for a man or woman who becomes desperate after only a few weeks without sexual activity. Imagine your spouse being proud that you are not unfaithful or prone to sleeping around.
When you gain freedom from sexual slavery, you will also gain self-respect, confidence, self-control, and the ability to resist temptations. People who lack sexual discipline may have to learn the hard way.
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How to Practice Sexual Discipline:
1. Not Every Opportunity Is Worth It.
Do not see every sexual opportunity as one to be pursued. Understand that not all that glitters is gold. While you may choose to have fun, do not behave like a person who will sleep with anyone. If you can control your sexual urges, you will save more money and, at the same time, build respect for yourself.
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2. Learn to Say No.
Learn to say no to sexual immorality. Say no to rape. Say no to exchanging sex for grades or jobs. Reject relationships with underage girls. If you accept these immoral offers, it may be difficult to stop. Rejecting sexual immorality is one of the first steps toward breaking sexual bondage and building self-respect.
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3. Discipline Yourself Against Immoral Sexual Behavior.
Sexual slavery is caused by many factors, including pornography, masturbation, negative peer influence, and sometimes being in a toxic relationship. If you are in the wrong relationship, your partner may encourage compulsive sexual behavior, making you addicted to sex.
While sex is important in a relationship, it is crucial to build your relationship on more than just sex and to embrace sexual discipline. Can you remain loyal to your partner if they travel for an extended time? If not, then you still need to work on yourself. Everyone desires a partner who can control their emotions, especially their sexual urges.
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4. Avoid Bad Friends.
Bad company corrupts good character. If you surround yourself with people who double-date or have multiple sexual partners, you may find yourself imitating their behavior, which will not end well for you. If you want to practice sexual discipline, associate with friends who have similar values, especially those who have a positive influence on your life.
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