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List of The Courses Offered by The Federal Polytechnic Idah (IDAH POLY) and Their School Fees

List of The Courses Offered by The Federal Polytechnic Idah (IDAH POLY) and Their School Fees

List of The Courses Offered by The Federal Polytechnic Idah (IDAH POLY) and Their School Fees

The Federal Polytechnic, Idah is founded on the Philosophy of “TECHNOLOGY FOR SELF RELIANCE”. In other words, it is built to build job creators rather than job seekers. Since its establishment in 1977, the Polytechnic has been striving to keep faith with this vision with the view to meeting the aspirations and dreams of the founding fathers.

The polytechnic runs both National Diploma and Higher National programmes and it is one of the best and most affordable polytechnics in Nigeria. The polytechnic is located in Idah, Kogi State.

Below are the courses offered by the Federal polytechnic Idah and Their School fees



  1. Accountancy
  1. Business Administration and Management
  1. Marketing
  1. Office Technology and Management

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  1. Civil Engineering
  1. Electrical & Electronic Engineering (with Options in Electronics & Telecommunications
  1. Electrical Electronics Power and Machines option 
  1. Mechanical Engineering (with Options in Manufacturing or Power & Plant).
  1. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 
  1. Foundry Engineering Technology

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  1. Architectural Technology
  1. Building Technology
  1. Estate Management and Valuation
  1. Quantity Surveying
  1. Surveying and Geo-Informatics
  1. Urban and Regional Planning

ALSO READ: Lists of All the Courses Offered by The Federal Polytechnic Nekede (FEDPONEK) and Their School Fees


  1. Public Administration


  1. Computer Science 
  1. Food Science and Technology
  1. Hospitality Management
  1. Science Laboratory Technology (with Options in Biology & Microbiology, Physics with Electronics, Chemistry & Biochemistry).
  1. Statistics
  1. Leisure and Tourism Management
  1. Library and Information Technology

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  1. Financial Studies
  1. Business Studies 
  1. Marketing
  1. Office Technology and Management
  1. Public Administration 
  1. Computer Science 
  1. Food Science and Technology 
  1. Hospitality Management Technology
  1. Science Laboratory Technology
  1. Mathematics and Statistics 
  1. Leisure and Tourism 
  1. Library and Information Science 
  1. Civil Engineering Technology 
  1. Electrical/Electronics Engineering Technology
  1. Metallurgical Engineering Technology 
  1. Foundry Engineering Technology
  1. Architectural Technology
  1.  Building Technology 
  1. Quantity Surveying
  1. Surveying and Geo-Informatics 
  1. Urban and Regional Planning 


The Federal polytechnic Idah is one of the most affordable schools in Nigeria. School of science students pay #46,000 for the first year and #32,000 for the Second year. Business and art students pay #42,000 for the first year and #21,000 for the second year. Acceptance fees is #10,000.  The cost for bed space at the school hostel is #10,000. That is if you want to stay inside the school hostel you would have to pay #10,000 per session. Accommodation In Idah ranges from 20k and above for a single room. 


ALSO READ: List of the Courses Offered by The Federal Polytechnic Ohodo and Their School Fees

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Comrade 9ja A.k.a 9jaPoly is A passionate Reporter that provides complete, accurate and compelling coverage of both anticipated and spontaneous News across all Nigerian polytechnics and universities campuses. 9jaPoly Started his career as a blogger and campus reporter in 2016.He loves to feed people with relevant Info. He is a polytechnic graduate (HND BIOCHEMISTRY). POLY TV is a relationship expert, life coach and polytechnic education consultant. Apart from blogging, He love watching movies and meeting with new people to share ideas with. Add 9jaPoly on WhatsApp +2347040957598 to enjoy more of his Updates and Articles.


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