13 Tips How to Live with Roommates Peacefully
At some point in our lives, we tend to live with roommates before we fully settle down in our own apartment. Whether you are a student sharing a room with other students or just squatting with friends for the meantime, below are 13 tips for living with roommates peacefully.
At the end of this article, you will gain a lot of knowledge on how to live peacefully with roommates and be best friends for life.
How to live with roommates peacefully:
1. Settle for Someone with the Same Belief and Cultural Goal.
If you want to live with roommates peacefully, you need to settle with those who share the same beliefs and cultural goals as you. If you are a Christian, consider making a Christian your roommate, and if you are Muslim, you should make a Muslim your roommate.
Although there is nothing wrong with sharing a room or hostel with another person from the opposite religion, remember that the goal is to live peacefully, as this will foster understanding between you and your roommate. Imagine going to church together and returning from the mosque at the same time.
2. Respect is Important.
Above everything, respect is important to live together peacefully. Respect your roommate’s culture, religion, and beliefs. Do not criticize their beliefs or way of life. Instead, encourage them to do better. Always remember to consider their likes and dislikes and treat them exactly the way you want to be treated.
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3. Choose A Roommate from The Same Department.
If you are settling for off-campus accommodation and want to live with roommates, try to choose a roommate from your department or faculty. This way, you can learn from each other, read together, and attend lectures together. It will help you become best friends and not just roommates, and this will strengthen the bond to live peacefully.
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4. Always Resume With Foodstuffs.
It is very annoying that some students will resume with nothing and only depend on their roommates for food and other stuff. This behavior is bad, and if you want to live with roommates peacefully, everyone must resume with foodstuffs so one won’t be a burden on the other. Come up with agreements about whether you will cook together or cook differently to avoid misunderstandings.
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5. Set the Rules.
They say that where there is no law, there is no sin. If there are no rules between you and your roommate, there might be some misunderstanding, and to avoid this, set the ground rules from day 1 and reach an agreement.
Communicate with your roommate on when and when not to receive visitors so as not to disrupt their privacy. Ensure that there are clear rules on the dos and don’ts from both sides. This may include who is to wash plates, clean rooms, tidy up the room first, etc.
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6. Always Tidy Up Your Room and Environment.
A clean environment is a happy and comfortable environment. Do not wait until your roommate wakes up before you tidy up the room and do the chores. Try to maintain order and cleanliness in your personal space. You and your roommate can agree to share the routine for cleaning, that is, who to clean the kitchen, wash dishes, mop the room, and tidy up the environment.
If possible, you can use a timetable to ensure that none of you misses his or her roles. By doing this, there will be a peaceful coexistence between you and your roommate, and you will both be happy.
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7. Have Fun Together.
It is critical to understand that living with roommates involves understanding and communication, and this can be achieved by spending extra time together to have fun. You may consider going to a club or doing other fun activities that involve you and your roommates. This will help you understand each other better.
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8. Resolve Issues Amicably.
Do not hold grudges against your roommate because they offended you; instead, communicate your feelings and make them aware of their annoying habits so they can make adjustments. It is very impossible to live with roommates without having misunderstandings sometimes, and this is why it is important for you and your roommate to always resolve every fight amicably. This will foster peaceful living together and a happy life.
9. Respect Their Privacy.
Make sure you give your roommate the needed privacy and space when the time comes, and they will do the same for you. For instance, if they have a visitor who is special to them, consider giving them space until the visitor leaves. And if you are expecting a visitor too, let your roommate know about it. It is very important for you to share your whereabouts with your roommate for security reasons.
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10. Wear Headphones.
Even if you and your roommate have an interest in similar music and movies, don’t expect them to always want to listen; therefore, invest in wearing headphones when listening to music or watching movies. This is evidence that you’re considerate of your roommates and are not using your enjoyment to disturb them.
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11. Be Friendly With Each Other.
In order to live together peacefully and be happy with your roommate, make them your best friends and best partner. Do not see them as a mere roommate; rather, see them as your best friend and someone who you can confide in. If you are friendly together, there will be fewer fights, and your interactions will be positive. Treat them like you want to be treated.
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12. Don’t Be a Burden on Them.
If you are living with roommates, do not be a burden on them financially or in other ways. It is crucial for you and your roommates to live independently without depending fully on each other. If they stock the fridge this month, try to do the same next month. If possible, split the bills and track your expenses.
If you are to pay for electricity bills, they will pay for water supply bills. All bills should be shared instantly. This way, there will be a peaceful coexistence between you and your roommates.
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13. Avoid Stealing Their Stuff.
Unless you and your roommate have established an agreement to share household items together, do not take or steal their food, toothpaste, detergent, or clothes without their permission. Be careful not to touch their things without asking.
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Final note: to live with roommates peacefully, be kind to each other, respect their privacy, and give them space; do not depend on them financially; set the ground rules to share routines together; and have roommates who share the same goal and cultural beliefs as you. By following these tips, you can have a blossoming relationship with roommates and live together peacefully. Best of luck.
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