Ojukwu University Celebrates Another Remarkable Achievement As BAM Graduates Ph.D Students

Recently, an extraordinary event unfolds, brimming with intellectual brilliance and academic excellence. The Department of Business Administration at Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University proudly announced the triumphant Ph.D. defenses of its distinguished students. Guided by the unwavering leadership of the Head of Department, Prof. S. A. Anah, these students have embarked on an extraordinary academic journey.
However, under the meticulous scrutiny of Prof. Nicholas Anah, serving as the external examiner, the defense was not just a milestone; it was a resounding testament to the commitment to advancing knowledge in Business Administration.
The trailblazing Ph.D. students who illuminated the path toward the future in academia and industry, were
1. Nwankwo Adaobi Angela
2. Okeke Chioma Francisca
3. Umeobi Ngozi Christiana
4. Ekpenyong Gregory Gabriel
5. Jideofor Njideka Helen
Their accomplishments stand as a testament to the academic excellence fostered at Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University.
In acknowledging the immense dedication of Prof. Greg Nwakoby to nurturing a culture of academic excellence, it becomes clear that his pivotal role in the success of these Ph.D. students and the department as a whole is undeniable.

Today, this moment of celebration fills rhe University community with great pride. Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, alongside its remarkable Department of Business Administration, continues to shape the future of business education and research.
Once again, heartfelt congratulations are extended to the Ph.D. graduates, and admiration is offered to the Department for this remarkable achievement.
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