The 12 TYPES OF RELATIONSHIP (Check out the category you belong)

12 TYPES OF RELATIONSHIP (Check out the category you Belong)
Relationship is the coming together of two people based on agreement, the agreement can be to love one another whether for a while or forever. Although there is no guarantee for “Together forever” in relationship as it may either end in tears or end in joy. If you have been in a relationship and you don’t even know how to describe the status of your relationship, this article Will guide you to know the 12types and category your relationship belongs to.
This is the type of relationship whereby the Partners are far away from each other. One might be Schooling at Federal polytechnic oko while the other be Schooling in KADUNA polytechnic. Distance relationship is the best choice for some people as the distance has been the reason for loving each other. The challenges of distance relationship is trust, cheating, communication and finance. In most cases partners do breakup over trust issues or due to poor communication.
It is believed that feelings die when there is no effective communication. It takes time, maturity, love, trust and honesty to build a distance relationship. From my findings I learnt that distance relationship does last longer than every other types/category of relationships. Another Benefit of this relationship is that it saves you from unwanted pregnancy, marathon sex etc.
This is the type of relationship whereby the couple are within the same location, that is, within the same state or local government. In this case, they might be in the same state, school or location and there are chances of meeting each other often and often. The challenges of close relationships are marathon sex, Freedom and Money.
Close relationships can limit your freedom especially when your partner is the jealous type and also close relationship expose you to marathon sex as you may not be able to turn down sexual advances from your partner. Advantage of close relationship is that both partners have unlimited time to spend together with little money unlike distance relationship. You can visit your boyfriend with just #500 transport since you both are in the same location.
This is the type of relationship built on one agreement or the other. Agreement relationship is also one of the best relationships. In this case, before dating each other there has to be clarification between both of You, the agreement might be, “No sex, No Billing, no cheating, No Visitation, no going on date” etc. depending on the agreement reached from both sides and once this agreement is breached the relationship is over. I have been in an agreement relationship before, we had an agreement not to kiss nor have sex for a year and it worked though we are no longer together but still, I think agreement relationship is good.
People who venture into agreement relationship are mostly strict persons. The challenges of this type of relationship is that the agreement is mostly Breached, for instance, the lady might say she doesn’t want sex until after her NATIONAL DIPLOMA or until she turns 25 while the guy might agree at first but along the line, he would start pressuring the lady in which at the end the relationship might crash.
I personally Love agreement relationship because it may prevent Future misunderstanding. Anytime I want to go into relationship now I always tell her, “I hope you understand the nature of my job” I might not be able to call you every day, chat you often or give you all my attention do you agree or not? If she says yes, good. So that later on when we start dating there won’t be complain or nagging also, she won’t be thinking maybe I am ignoring her. Agreement relationship is good, but the major challenges is breach of the agreement and once the agreement is beached the relationship might crash.
This is the type of Relationship where you don’t even know him or her but just decided to give it a trial. Hookup relationship majorly originated from social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, twitter and sometimes in the club, or by roadside. Sometimes it leads to marriage but majority of it always crash after sex. The secret of Hookup relationship is communication, once you are able to communicate effectively and have a lovely chat with him/her the relationship might survive. It is very easy to fall in love in hookup relationship but the challenges here is trust and personality as it is hard to trust someone you don’t know. Personality is another challenge as you may fall in love online but when you get to know him/her in real life you discover S/he is not your taste.
Many girls have been raped, killed under the guise of hookup relationship. Majority of Hookup relationship are not serious relationship as men advantage of it to have free sex. The solution to Hookup relationship is to take things slow, study the man/Woman you are dating before falling deeply in love. I have tried hookup relationship before and it was awesome at first but few weeks later we broke up and that was the shortest relationship I ever had in my life, I cut the relationship not because I didn’t love her but because I couldn’t cope with her behaviors. Many relationships these days are hookup relationship based on where it originated from.
A toxic or Parasitic relationship is a relationship characterized by behaviors on the part of the toxic partner that are emotionally and not infrequently, physically damaging to their partner. In this relationship you don’t benefit or gain anything than damage, there is nothing you can do or give to your partner what you get is negative response S/he never appreciates or understand, if She doesn’t complain about your dick size he will complain about your saggy breast and Stature.
Toxic relationship is prone to abuse, fight and always misunderstanding, too much jealousy with unhappiness, this relationship looks as if you are the one dating yourself, a relationship where your partner only cares about his/herself, only. Toxic relationship is otherwise known as parasitic relationship in the sense that you are the one who is losing or getting damaged in the relationship. A lot of girls nowadays are toxic and parasites in relationship as they only care about the money and once it’s finished boom, they fled, that’s what parasite means, parasite feed on you, benefit from you, gain from you but what you gain from parasite is toxicity.
The best solution to toxic or parasitic relationship is to get rid of the relationship. The simple illustration of a parasitic relationship is this, if you go for medical checkup and doctor tell you that you have a worm disturbing you in your stomach? What will you do to the worm? You would have to take drugs that will either kill it or flush it out of your stomach, isn’t it? Same thing applicable to toxic relationship the best thing is to let go and move on with your life before S/he finally finish you.
Healthy relationship involves mutual caring, respect, and compassion, an interest in your partner’s welfare and growth, an ability to share control and decision-making, in short, a shared desire for each other’s happiness. A healthy relationship is a safe relationship, a relationship where we can be ourselves without fear, a place where we feel comfortable and secure. This is a very scarce relationship, and it is hard to find because in a healthy relationship partner stay loyal to each other without cheating. if you want to achieve a healthy relationship start by respecting your partner, show interest in His/her own interest, respect his/her decision, build compassion for his/her welfarism.
This relationship is the most common these days, in “Benefit relationship” what matters to both partner is, “Sex and money.” As long as he is giving her money and getting sex in return no problems. The category of people who practice this type of relationship are mostly yahoo Boys and bad boys. Both partners know within themselves that the relationship won’t head anywhere but due to money and the benefits, the relationship has to continue that way, sometimes it may lead to marriage While in some cases it’s just “clown marriage” You know that kind of marriage where the lady will move in after getting pregnant out of wedlock.
In this type of relationship nothing productive ever comes out of it than sex and money. This type of relationship is also known as benefit relationship because the lady bills and other responsibilities will be footed by the guy. A lot of people are in “Benefit relationship” thinking they are in healthy relationship. If what you only get in your relationship is Sex and money and nothing else, you may probably be in a benefit relationship. Benefit relationship is good anyways because cheating is allowed Since both of them knows truly that they can’t marry themselves.
Religious relationship is a relationship built on faith (believe). This is the best relationship because it is bounded by Islamic and Bible laws. Religious relationship is otherwise known as courtship relationship, and it is entirely different from other types of relationship. The partner is referred to as “Fiancée” unlike other types of relationship where partners are referred to as Boyfriend /Girlfriend and also the relationship most times lead to marriage.
Sex is prohibited in courtship or religious relationship. The challenges of this type of relationship is Temptation, sometimes the partners may break the rules bounding the relationship and also being romantic might be an issue in religious relationship You know how those S.U and sisters in hijab use to behave now, well it’s good though if that’s what you think is best for you. Religious relationship is boring. Women do opt for religious relationship after they have used their Youth days to catch cruise you will always find them in church sweeping hoping for the right man to come at the age of 40 sorry mummy Mr. right will soon arrive.
This type of relationship usually starts with friendship, research shows that friendship relationship is the best because you already know him or her but to me, I think friend should be friend except if you truly like his/her personality, I mean if S/he is a man/woman of your dreams. A good female friend is better than a female girlfriend. Guys always get this wrong, they think dating their best friend is the best decision, but the case is not so, we always mistake friendship love for relationship love before you go into friendship relationship make sure you are making the right choice.
Dating your friend sometimes may end up spoiling the friendship, that we were good friends doesn’t mean we will make good relationship.
This type of relationship Is similar to “BENEFIT RELATIONSHIP”. Sex partner relationship is majorly for sex. Both of them don’t care about money or material things what they want is only sex. You must have heard people saying, “I don’t have a boyfriend, but I have a sex partner” this relationship is good because nobody cares about money or whatever “make we just fuck.”
This is the modern-day relationship, in this type of relationship both partners have the intention of marrying each other, If possible, the relationship will work, they can go on date, kiss, have sex, have fun and even show their affection on social media. Dating relationship is a modern-day relationship and it’s okay. The challenges of dating relationship is cheating as your partner can be dating you and still be dating another person.
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This is the old generation relationship; this is the type of relationship Where the man will just propose marriage to you directly and his major intention is to marry you. He will meet with your family to know them and make things work out. In marriage relationship, both partners know each other family and everyone already knows them that sooner or later they would marry each other. The challenges of this relationship is time and age. Sometimes those who propose marriage relationships to you might be a matured man who is far older than you and already settled down.
In conclusion, I believe by now you should have known which category your relationship falls. There is nothing as sweet as building a healthy relationship, but healthy relationship is difficult to build nowadays because the building materials is Very expensive. It is not easy to build relationships nowadays especially in this century where our youth knows nothing than money and sex. However, you must try as much as possible to stay loyal to your partner, understand each other, build love, show interest in one another and also draw closer to God because God himself is love so if you don’t know God/Allah you can’t experience true love. Drop your comments about this article. Thanks.
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Iboyitete Oghenenyerovwo
So so impressed with your article
Clement miracle
Am impressed by this… God Bless you Sir🙏🙏🙏