How to Ask for Sxx from Your Spouse
There are some people in relationships who are too shy to demand for sxx from their partner. Couples in a relationship should be open and honest about sexual desire; perhaps sxx should not be seen as a taboo or a big deal in a relationship.
Below are simple ways to ask sxx from your spouse without feeling embarrassed:1. Touch him/her on the stimul@ting areas to get him/her in the mood. Nippl3s, neck, back2. Kiss him/her. Kisses almost always make us think of making love.3. Take showers or baths together. Invite your spouse to the shower, make it a habit. Get playful there, sxx will happen.4. Send your spouse n@ughty messages during the day saying what you will do to him/her. By the time you get home, you both will be in the mood.5. Massage your spouse’s body, touch and care arouses your spouse6. Dress for s€x. There are lingerie that you wear that tells your spouse “I want s€x. I am feeling s$xy”7. Sleep n@ked together. The greater and easier the access, the more the s€x8. Treat your spouse well. We get h0rnY when we are near the spouse who treats us well.9. Touch your spouse between the legs. Don’t beat around the bush. Lady, take your fingers inside his boxer and stroke his gbola to hardness; man, take your fingers inside her p@nty and rub till she swells. Men love a wife who is s€xu@lly aggressive; women love a husband that is hungry for her and unpredictable.10. Whisper n@ughty things into your spouse’s ear. There is something s3xy about hearing and feeling your spouse breathing in a h0rny way.11. Invite your spouse for a s3nsu@l, intimate dance. Salsa, slow dance, bump and grind. There is no way you two will be close to each other, body to body and not want to make love. This is why married people need to go out on dates more, go out and find intim@cy. Find intim@cy in dancing in the house too.12. Strip, tease and seduce your spouse. Whine, kata kiuno, slowly reveal your body.13. Be playful. Lady, take your husband’s hands and place them on your bvtt, blindfold him with your br@. Man, grab her bvtt as she works, unhook her br@ when she least expects it.14. Pose in a seductive way. Lay in bed in a s€xu@l way, lady deliberately bend in front of him in a manner to suggest an invite for dovgy style15. Master a seductive look. Man, your wife gets turned on when you give her a piercing look that says “I want you now. She gets w3t when you undress her with your eyes”. Lady, pull your husband to you with “Come inside me” eyes.16. Ask for s€x unapologetically. Tell your spouse without wasting time, “S€x me”… “I am horny”. Stop suffering alone in s€xu@l fire. Sometimes all you have to do is to open your mouth and say, “Sweetheart, let’s make love NOW!”ALSO READ:
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