Keeping relationship from s3x these days is really a hard thing for Couples especially for the faithful and loyal ones as the demand for S3x in exchange for love rise on daily basis. To the best of my knowledge, s3x should be a product of love, love should not be a product of sex. Research say s3x binds partners together and I learnt from my spiritual leaders that s3x play a greater role both spiritually and spiritually.
While s3x spice up relationship, too much of it can also collapse the relationship and this is why one have to take caution because s3x can be very addictive and difficult to quit. Have you been in a relationship whereby your Partner always insist on having sex with you on every time you visit? Is your relationship always about sex? You s3x chat, phone-S3x, and still give your body? If you are in this situation these tips can help you overcome this situation you find yourself.
Distance relationship is an easy way to give your body a rest from s3x in a relationship. In this case you and your lover will only meet once in a while and the love-bond between you two will grow stronger as long as there is effective communication compared to close relationship where you have s3x on daily basis. If you want your relationship to be free of s3x then switch to distance relationship. The chance of s3x will reduce and your body will be at rest.
Perhaps if you are a s3x addict guy, practicing distance relationship will make you learn self control and ofcourse this might improve your sexual performance. Men who have s3x on daily basis might develop poor performance in bed compared to those who had s3x once in awhile.
Determination is an agreement to do something in future. If you are determined to keep your relationship away from s3x then you will surely achieve it but determination is not by words rather let your actions speak louder than words.
If you can determine, that is, agree not to engage in s3xual intercourse in your relationship until it gets to a particular stage I am sure your body will be at rest at least for a while. You have to make your partner understand about your determination and if the relationship requires s3x you can also determine when and when not to give it out. For example once in a year, twice a year etc. you can as well determine not to engage in s3xual intercourse until marriage, that decision is up-to you.
Setting a determination is not something big, My determination then during my undergraduate days Was that, ‘until I finished my ND Programme I won’t engage in any Se3xual activity’ Unfortunately, I lost the virginity the very day I signed out from the polytechnic well that was my determination and agreement with my the then partner. You can as well set a determination for yourself and make your partner understand what you are up-to as doing these will make your relationship worth more than s3x.
In respect to (2) above, Having a conversation with your partner is another way to keep your relationship away from s3x perhaps if you had already set a determination For yourself, then there is a need to sit Your partner and explain on how both of you can achieve these together. Remember the topic is “Keeping your relationship away from s3x” not abstaining from s3x. You should not be shy to talk about s3xuality in your relationship. Partners should be open to each other. However you need to study the mood of your partner to know when exactly to talk about this. You can discuss and have a conclusion to Limit the everyday sex To once in a week and from once a week to once a month.
In one of my previous articles, I explained to details on types of relationship and it’s status. The status of your relationship determines if you Really can keep it away from s3x. You can’t be dating a fuck boy and expect to keep the relationship away from s3x No!! it will never work.
Sex maybe part of Dating relationship, you might not be able to abstain from sex but you can still keep it away from s3x. You can switch to courtship/Religion relationship where s3x in a relationship is forbidden. The type of person you date or courtship with also matters. If S/he can’t do without always requesting for s3x then it’s worrisome and doing away with s3x with that type of person can be a mission impossible. In this case, it is necessary to study your partner well to know if S/he isn’t a s3x freaky type as this will help you to know if the relationship Worth more than s3x.
Some Men believe you have the right to give them s3x in as much they are giving you money and taking care of Your responsibilities this is the sad truth. To keep your relationship away from s3x you have to Reduce/Stop demanding From him And better still learn to be self reliant. Doing these won’t give him confidence to pressure you for s3x. Either you demand From your man or not, that doesn’t stop Him from demanding for s3x but the Advantage here is that, the pressure Might not be much On you and the respect will still be there. Guys of these days don’t like to spend Much on their babe and at the end still got rejected. Besides s3x should be willingly and not trade by barter, isn’t it ?
To keep your relationship away from s3x you must Try as much as possible to lay your hands on Something productive that keeps you busy. For example empower yourself with a skill or utilize your time on something productive that will keep you busy and earn you income. Keeping yourself busy will earn you respect and dignity n the relationship.
This is an other way to keep your relationship away from s3x as Your partner would have understand you are at work unlike when you have nothing to do, so S/he would always expect you to visit him/her and s3x may occur And to reduce s3x in the relationship keep yourself busy with something productive.
Even if you are a student you can enroll in a skill or sign-up for any other hobbies you like to keep you busy as your partner won’t ask you to always visit for a Knack because S/he already knows you are at work or busy. “Get yourself busy with something productive and your toto too will rest.”
Another way of keeping your relationship away from s3x is your say thus let your No be No. My point here is that if you are really not interested try to make your partner understand that you can do this some other time. This comes with strong determination as explained in (2) Above, let your No be No, not that after saying “I’m not interested” and he kisses you boom your pant Don soak.
He won’t take you serous next time as your partner may see you as a pretender. To Achieve this, you should know your Weak point and avoid your partner from touching as this Can make you fall and at the end you end up having sex over and over again. If kissing is your weak point avoid kissing when you are not ready for sex remember blood ruin in your veins as you may fall to temptation.
keeping your Relationship Away from s3x can be challenging atimes, however, giving your partner a space can help you achieve this especially if the relationship is a close relationship whereby you and your partner often meet. You can decide to give his/her a space by not visiting for a while with a genuine excuse. You can communicate frequently, chat and talk normal but just limit your visitation perhaps you can visit once a month.
If you want to keep your relationship away from s3x then you should also Avoid other things that can make this impossible for you to achieve in which part of it is p0rn0graphy. Imagine you have Up-to 5 P0rn WhatsApp TV’s on your contact, you Have p0rn videos, p0rn0graphy groups and links that you watch everyday. I must confess to you, these things can ruin your life and your chance of building a healthy relationship With your partner because you can’t help it but always thirsty for s3x.
Apart from the fact that P0rn0graphy Make keeping your relationship away from s3x a difficult task you also battle with masturbation and other sexual Problems. If you have Been following WhatsApp channels, websites or social media platforms always posting explicit content, you may have to delete them And their links from your phone, also you should delete p0rn videos And others as these are the major ways to keep your relationship away from sex otherwise you will always find yourself having s3x over and over again till it becomes addictive and difficult for you to control.
If after Trying all these tips and none worked for good, then you must be prepared for the worst, that is, Heartbreak. Breakup with him/her and move on with your life. This maybe hard yes it is but you need to understand that you won’t be horny forever, there is more to Relationship than just S3x.
You Need to Ask yourself, is my relationship always about s3x? Does this everyday s3x have negative effect on my relationship and lifestyle? If answers to any of these questions is yes then you may have to start practicing how to keep your relationship away from s3x. Remember s3x alone is not enough to keep a relationship.
In conclusion
In conclusion, Keeping a relationship from s3x is not by words, it comes with discipline, commitment, determination and understanding. It is hard to keep relationship away from s3x but practicing these tips I’ve given you can be helpful in achieving it. I wish you best of luck in your lifestyle and relationship. May God help you and I to overcome all our S3xual temptations. Amen.
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I love this…..what if I refuse him and he take it from outside
Ayomide Adebayo
What if she is the type of girl that love having sex with guys before meeting her and through that process I’m are trying to change her and she always demand for sex and if i didn’t give her what she want she will go and meet someone else pls advise me what can I do to it
If your girlfriend is the type that always demand for sex. Try to sit her down talk to her and follow some of the tips provided in this article and if probably she still didn’t change, you may have to let her go.
Remember you won’t be horny forever.
Useful tips,thumbs up