How Nigerian Students Can Deal with Heartbreak in a Relationship
How Nigerian Students Can Deal with Heartbreak in a Relationship
Heartbreak is one of the worst emotional pains anyone can experience, and for Nigerian students, it can feel even more devastating. Imagine preparing for an exam, struggling with tight finances, and then—boom!—your boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you. The emotional rollercoaster can mess with your academics, mental health, and even your social life.
But here’s the truth: you’re not alone, and you can get through it. Whether you were ghosted, cheated on, or dumped for no reason, there are ways to heal without letting heartbreak ruin your life. This article covers real, no-nonsense ways to handle heartbreak like a boss—without losing yourself in the process. Keep reading because this might be exactly what you need right now!
1. Block Them Everywhere
One of the first steps in dealing with heartbreak as a student is to block them everywhere and take time to heal. This includes blocking them on social media, avoiding calls and texts, and deleting their contact info from your phone. Although this is painful, it’s part of the healing process. Seeing their social media updates can bring back memories and hurt you even more, so it’s best to block them.
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2. Avoid Physical Contact
If your ex is a coursemate, try to avoid physical contact or set clear boundaries. Instead of sitting next to them, consider sitting in another row. After lectures, head home or find a spot on campus to relax. Keep this up until you heal from the pain. If your ex calls to see you or talk things over, avoid meeting them—especially if you’re determined to move on.
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3. Delete Things That Remind You of Them
Are there things that remind you of your ex? Gifts, pictures, or shared memories? Delete those photos from your phone or store them in a vault where you won’t see them every day. If their gifts bring you pain, give them away or remove them from your room until you fully heal.
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4. Get Yourself Busy with Other Activities
An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. When you have too much free time, memories of your ex can flood your thoughts and make you sad. Keep yourself busy with something productive. Watching movies, listening to inspirational songs, or following motivational videos can help you recover from heartbreak.
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5. Exercise Regularly
Exercise is good for your mental health, especially when dealing with heartbreak. Consider jogging, working out, or even taking a simple walk—it can ease the emotional burden.
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6. Cry If You Want To
Losing a relationship you are deeply invested in is painful. If you feel like crying, go ahead and cry. Grieving is part of the healing process. When you’re done, wipe your tears and remind yourself, “Everything will be fine.”
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7. Spend Time with Your Friends
Let your friends know what you’re going through. Their words of encouragement and support can be a relief during this difficult time. They might even cheer you up and help you feel better.
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8. Engage in Activities That Make You Happy
Another way to deal with heartbreak is to engage in activities or hobbies you love. What are your favorite things to do? Writing, reading, swimming? Now is the time to focus on them. These activities will help you move on.
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9. Avoid Jumping Into a New Relationship
Rushing into a new relationship before healing can make things more complicated, especially if you still hope to reunite with your ex. Healing takes time. Give yourself the space to recover before considering love again.
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10. Your Studies Are More Important Than a Relationship
You can deal with heartbreak by focusing on your studies. Consider learning vocational skills like soap making, ceramics, or bead making. Imagine turning your pain into gain—what an amazing way to rebuild your life! These skills can distract you from heartbreak. Also, dedicating more time to your studies, like reading in the library or practicing tutorial questions, can be helpful.
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11. Make Yourself Happy
Your happiness isn’t dependent on anyone. You control your emotions, and you can make yourself happy without a boyfriend or girlfriend. Take a bath, dress well, cook a delicious meal, play loud music, and dance. Take yourself out for shopping or eat at a nice place. This is an effective way to deal with a breakup.
When I had my first heartbreak as a student, I spent more time with my friends, listened to inspirational songs, and danced alone to cheer myself up. It really worked!
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12. Be Patient with Yourself
Healing takes time, so be patient. Some days, you’ll miss your ex and feel the urge to contact them. These feelings are normal, but they’re not a reason to unblock or text them. If you feel tempted, distract yourself by taking a walk or doing something productive. If you’re thinking of dating again, ask yourself if you’re truly ready. It’s better to start a new relationship when you’re emotionally stable rather than using it as an escape from pain.
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13. Forget They Exist in Your Life
Thoughts of them will come, but you need self-control. Zero contact means treating them as if you never met. No updates, no messages, nothing. You can’t forget someone until you keep reminding yourself that you want to forget them. Forgetting someone you love isn’t easy—it comes with a lot of pain. Sticking to a structured schedule helps. Sleep at the right time, wake up on time, and stay consistent.
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14. Avoid Blaming Yourself
When a relationship ends unexpectedly, it’s easy to overanalyze and blame yourself. But not all breakups happen because someone did something wrong. Sometimes, people grow apart or face personal struggles. Instead of dwelling on the past, remind yourself that not all relationships are meant to last—and it’s not always your fault.
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15. Talk to Someone You Trust
Bottling up emotions can make heartbreak worse. Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or mentor. Many Nigerian students find comfort in sharing their struggles with close friends, religious leaders, or even school counselors. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing everything, that’s okay. Just having someone to listen to can make a big difference. If your friends or family aren’t available, consider joining an online support group.
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16. Take Care of Your Health
Heartbreak can take a toll on your physical health. Some students lose their appetite, struggle to sleep, or feel constantly exhausted. Prioritize self-care. Eat balanced meals, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Even a short walk or dancing to your favorite music can boost your mood. Drinking enough water and avoiding excessive junk food will also help.
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17. Don’t Let Bitterness Take Over
Feeling hurt is normal, but holding onto bitterness can slow your healing. Avoid badmouthing your ex or seeking revenge. Instead, focus on letting go of negative emotions. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting, but it helps you move forward without unnecessary anger. Letting go of bitterness creates space for better things in your life.
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18. Pray or Meditate
Many Nigerian students find peace in prayer or meditation. If you’re religious, spend time talking to God about your pain. Reading scriptures, listening to gospel music, or attending fellowship meetings can bring comfort. If you’re not religious, meditation and mindfulness exercises can help. Spending a few minutes daily reflecting on positive thoughts can make a difference.
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19. Be Open to Love Again
When the time is right, don’t be afraid to love again. Just because one relationship didn’t work out doesn’t mean the next one won’t. Keep an open heart but be wiser with your choices. Learn from past mistakes and seek someone who values and respects you. Love is a beautiful experience, and when you’re ready, the right person will come along.
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In conclusion, dealing with heartbreak as a student isn’t easy, but with consistency and determination, it’s possible. Maintain zero contact, block them everywhere, spend time with your friends, allow yourself to grieve, be patient with the healing process, and don’t rush into another relationship.
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