The Federal Polytechnic, Bida.
Dear BIDALites,
Today makes it one year I was sworn in as President of the Students Union Government of our prestigious Polytechnic so as other executives who were also given privilege to serve our dear union.
Our first year in office was marred with crisis and COVID-19 break also made it impossible to start the session as scheduled. Our ability to manage crisis have given us an edge and also, stood us out.
If we all could remember, my manifesto when campaigning was based on issues that are affecting the students directly part of which are:
* Victimization of students in different forms.
* Unwarranted increase in the Prices of Commodities and services within the students environment.
* Problem of Transportation within the Campus.
* Problem of in-conducive learning environment.
* Security/Ilumination of campus.
* Students Academic performance.
* Issues of tuition fee increment.
1) Victimization of students in different forms:
We have made it imminent and sacrosanct creating defense against any form of victimization of students. Ranging from:
-Students to Students victimization.
-Staffs to students victimization as well as,
-landlords/caretaker to students victimization.
We have a good number of cases where the Students Union Government has stood up to defend our students against oppression from some landlords and at the same time their fellow students.
We have been able to create a wall against any form of victimizations against our students.
Students are hereby directed to further report any form of victimization from any level at all to the SUG immediately without delay.
2) Unwarranted increase in the Prices of Commodities and services within the students environment:
We have been able to create a price control and regulatory task force which has been able to stabilize the prices of commodities and services within the polytechnic environment.
It will also interest you to note that negotiations is ongoing on the reduction of price of sachet water from #10 to #5 within the students environment. This we believe will be achieved in the next few weeks.
3) Problem of transportation within the Campus:
We believe the provision of Shuttle buses won’t only ease the movement but also reduce cost for the students. On this note I am pleased to inform you all that we are already in discussion with two private firms who are willing to go into business as term of service is still being discussed.
4) Problem of in-conductive learning environment:
We believe that the need to provide adequate facilities for Students learning should be prioritized as no Student will learn well in discomfort. To this note, Immediately we were sworn in last year we made some demands to the school management amongst which are:
* Construction of new class rooms.
* Construction of new hostel facility.
* Construction of new CBT center.
Greatest Nigerian Students! I am pleased to inform you that today by the Grace of God and the efforts of the Management,
2 class rooms complex (1000 capacity each) is nearing completion. This when complete will further reduce the congestion in our class rooms.
On the construction of New hostel, I want to inform us all that efforts are on by the School Management to see to the construction of New 5000 Capacity students hostel, this we are hoping will materialize before the second quarter of 2021.
On the construction of new CBT center:
Considering the problems students do face while writing CBT exams the union deemed it fit that there is need for a new CBT center to further ease the problems students encounter during their exams. To this effect, I am pleased to inform you all that the construction of New 500 capacity CBT center is also nearing completion.
5) Security/Illumination of Campus:
It is Sad and unfortunate to note that despite all the efforts put in place by the union to curtail the activities of burglars and armed robbers during the Covid-19 break, which involves myself, sometimes staying up all night with vigilantes and Emir security committee, we still recorded different cases of burglary and theft within the polytechnic environment including school hostels and some other polytechnic facilities.
This is so unfortunate and calls for immediate attention. On this note, we have suggested the total overhauling of the security system of the polytechnic of which efforts are already in place in regards to that as report by the polytechnic security committee has been submitted to the school management for consideration and approval.
We also see the need to reinstall, empower and make well functional the Cadet Security unit of the polytechnic, this will be carried out and sponsored by the SUG with support from the School Management.
I want to use this medium to identify with all the students who lost one or two properties to burglars and also reassure us that efforts are on to make sure such does not repeat itself. At the same time, I want to sincerely advise all students to always go home with their “Credentials” whenever the school is going on break as this are documents of high value and importance.
On illumination of Campus:
The union has been able to liaise with the management to ensure the illumination of our campus as we can all see the newly installed solar powered street lights from Big gate down to Admin, around small gate and also the school hostels this will continue until everywhere in the campus is well illuminated.
Also, talk is underway with AEDC on improvement/increase in hours of electricity supply to the polytechnic environment. We hope the students, caretakers and landlords will give us their full support and cooperation as we proceed to achieving this soonest.
6) Students academic performance: We have successfully reinstated the Class Reps forum which is now known as Association of class Governors.
We will use the SUG to Class Reps forum relationship to further create and design sound template for respective funded tutorial for each departments as academic activities commences.
7) Issues of tuition fee:
The issue of tuition fee for both New and returning students is one of the challenges this administration has faced, most especially, that of returning students. As it is no longer news that there was a previous agreement on ground before the coming of our administration and also as it was boldly enshrined in article number 9 of the 2018/2019 admission letter that “All fees paid in 2018/2019 academic session will be the same you will pay in 2019/2020 session”.
Greatest Nigerian Students!
I am pleased to inform you all that after after due consolidating consultations and serious negotiations with diplomacy, we have been able to negotiate down the tuition fee for new students to #55,500 for Management, technology and OTM students and #57,500 for for ND1 sciences respectively except for ND1 and HND1 Surveying and Geo Informatics students who are to pay #63000 and #61000 respectively due to their camping fee which is #6,000.
Also for returning students we have been able to negotiate the fee down from the proposed #58,500 to #55,500 and now to #50,500.
Despite the fact that the sum of #8000 has been removed from the fee, the union is still standing its ground that there should be further reduction as we have made it known that pegging the tuition fee at what we payed last session and following the clause in our admission letter will be too much considering the current situation of the country and the ravaging effect of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In light of these, we also held stakeholders meeting on the 2nd of November 2020 were various observations and recommendations were made of which the communique has been sent to the management, so we are hopeful with high expectations that there will be light at the end of the tunnel.
I want reassure us that the leaders you have voted in holds you in high esteem and at the same time, your prayers and continues supports is still needed for the success of this struggle.
I want to further urge all students including those who have been experiencing difficulties in accessing their respective hostels due to the compliance with our directive that no returning students should pay tuition fee until we see the issue to a logical conclusion to keep up with the support and hold on for a little while as we hope for a best outcome soonest.
Our ability to stand together and have a united voice will always give us victory.
Let me quickly appreciate the School Presidents, Departmental Presidents, States Presidents and Association of class Governors for lending their voice and showing solidarity in this struggle.
I want to also use this medium to further appeal and urge the Management to allow those who have paid for their hostel accommodation have access to the hostel while negotiation continues or take full responsibility/face the consequences if anything happens to any of this students.
Dear Bidalites, in our one year in office, we were able to;
1- Ensure the construction of 2 new Class rooms complex (1000 capacity each) and as well a new 500 capacity CBT center.
2- Successfully pushed for the waiving of defense for the 2018/2019 students.
3- Ensure that the newly graduated ND2 2018/2019 Set are able to apply for HND program this year.
4- negotiated down the tuition fee for both new and returning students.
5- Successfully reinstated the Class Reps Forum.
6- Ensure the illumination of the campus.
Ever indefatigable Nigerian Students!
Restructuring of the Union to be all-inclusive in its decision and actions is paramount to me because I believe being the President is a privilege and not because I have the best idea or radical view. So we must go back to that era when students by all means possible are directly involved in all Union activities. This has helped us in a lot of ways especially in building confidence and trust in us. All our actions so far have been centrally decided. In situations where Congress wasn’t possible, Presidents of all schools, Departments , States and Association of class governors were always carried along. There is now popular participation. Irrespective of caucus, one thing is that you know you have a say in how we decide and what we do. This has made us to enjoy popular support than ever amongst students and also given us all cooperation that is necessary.
Let me quickly add to this that with our one year in office the Union was on zero revenue and also, we have not given any award or recognition to anyone at all. The name of the Union has not been dragged into collecting money from people around. I make bold to assert, that I have not collected a dime from any staff of the Polytechnic. And I have never solicited for any personal favour as we believe such may affect the principle of our Union. These could have been happening in the past, but never will it happen in our time.
Very quickly, I want to advice us to always comply with the Covid-19 laid down protocols by wearing face masks and washing our hands regularly.
Finally ever progressive BIDALites, we would not accord our leadership any mark. Yet we can claim that every little positive impacts we have made and would be making, would not be possible if you had not given us the opportunity to. We know we haven’t done enough. We shall continue to do our best possible. All of these couldn’t have been possible if everyone of you haven’t been supporting us from day one. You made it possible. And we appreciate you not only for voting us, more so for giving us the overwhelming support each time we need it.
In this regard, on behalf of the Central Executive Council (CEC), Students Representative Council (SRC) and Hall Executive Council (HEC) of the Federal Polytechnic Bida Students Union Government, I seek your continuous support in all ramifications.
Aluta Continua!
Ashiru S. Adefemi
Executive President
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